MovieChat Forums > Yoga Hosers (2016) Discussion > Same Universe As TUSK?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Same Universe As TUSK?!?!?!?!?!?!?

I have alot of questions brewing in my mind about this movie. So first of all the whole cast from "Tusk" is in the movie, including Justin Long, so does that mean we will get to see the walrus again? This has to be the same universe because if you look at the cast list Johnny Depp is listed as "Guy Lapointe" which is the detective he played in TUSK! Has there been any word on the walrus returning?


I don't think the walrus will return, it is a different story with different characters, the plot is not the same.


Yes this will be in the same universe (Askewnaverse?) as Tusk in a similar way his earlier movies were connected, but with mostly different characters. It is actually going to be a trilogy set inside the universe. Yoga Hosers features the returning characters of the convenience store girls (Depp & Smith's daughters) along with Johnny Depp returning as Guy LaPointe. The rest of the actors will be different characters, Smith just wanted to bring everybody back since they got along so well in Tusk, but he also said there would be other references to Tusk in this one (he said people refer to the "Manitoba Manatee" to which the girls reply "it was a walrus"). I don't know much about the 3rd movie other than it will be titled "Moose Jaws" and is supposed to be like Jaws, but with a moose. He has talked about this on his podcasts a few times.


A moose? That's *beep* awesome.


Justin Longs walrus gets mentioned in the story. Tourist ask the convenience store girls about the legend of the manitee man.. or something, then they alwasy correct people saying he was a walrus not a manitee*

Also, Genesis Rodriguez is playing the same caracter of Aly in Yoga housers as well.


Rodriguez is not playing Ally, she is playing a different character


So is it going to be a *beep* up horror a la Tusk?


IMDB says it's a sequel to tusk and part of a planned trilogy


Tusk was terrrrrrrrrible. Which sucks because I was so excited for it.


Tusk was awwwwwwwsome. Which is great because I'm so excited for this :).


I agree. I really really wanted to love it, but it nosedived the second we saw the walrus. And the scenes with Guy LaPointe just dragged.

The premise of this is even dumber than Tusk but I'll probably still end up seeing it... and still hating it...


How did you not know a walrus was going to be in it until you saw it?



the entire point of making these three movies is that they are intended to be among the most ridiculous genre movies ever, silly and full of stabs at the horror/suspense/crime genre, the fact that it's a dumb premise is exactly why it was made and entirely the joke of the movie.

congratulations for being one of the people that the joke was on


The CGI sauerkraut in this movie was among the worst I've ever seen. Seems like a killer moose would require some effective special effects.


Think American Horror Story , same universe, most of the cast in each, but some play totally different characters.
Since Jay and Silent bob are supposed to be in Moose Jaws I guess these three films are technically part of the askiewneverse.


What are Jay and Silent Bob doing in Canada?
