MovieChat Forums > Yoga Hosers (2016) Discussion > Why are Smith's and Depp's kids in this?

Why are Smith's and Depp's kids in this?

For those that don't know, and the haters that doesn't understand. When he made Tusk, Kevin Smith put this little bit in the movie for his daughter playing an overly annoyed store clerk that hates anything that comes out of anybody's mouth. Harley Quinn Smith goes to school and is friends with little Depp. With Johnny Depp already being in the movie, the two kids asked if she could be in the movie too.

Now besides Kevin seeing his own kid act, he said the scene in the conveinence store was his favorite and he didn't know why. His wife pointed out to him the obvious, they're little, non-caring conveinence store owners that hate everyone they come in contact with. He accidentally made a pair of little "Clerks."


And he needed his wife to point this out to him?

No wonder this guy has lost the plot....


Sort of underlined when Smith's daughter actually says "I'm not even supposed to be here today!" right in the trailer.


Slightly more enraged than Dante.


The fact that Smith named his daughter after a comic book slut is both predictable and pathetic.


yeah its pretty embarrassing


lily Depp is gonna be a star

I ate this blonde Texan bitch.


I get that Smith and Depp love their daughters and want to give them every opportunity they can, just like any good father would.

But sometimes the biggest favour you can do for your child is to let them beat their own path and make their own way and start from absolute scratch.

This movie just honestly reeks of "our daddies are famous so why not" which isn't going to garner them a lot of positive attention or sympathy... which is rough because it's going to make people automatically more critical, and as young girls they shouldn't be scrutinized on such a large scale yet.


It doesnt scream anything. Its just a small film. You obviously dont have kids because you would want to do anything you could to help them. So dont bother saying you do. You would be lying.


Yeah, people should lighten up. Like many of today's comedies, it's hit and miss, but the girls do a good job. If they work hard at their acting as they get older, who knows? It's a low budget horror comedy spoof, anyway, that pokes fun at teenagers, yoga, Canada, Nazis, etc. Some of the jokes were pretty funny, but too few.


Or, you know, they're parents who love their kids... and have a few million dollars to blow and hang out for a few weeks.

I'm surprised more actors don't do this. I don't think "After Earth" counts, that looks like it suuucked to film.


Exactly, we're only on this Earth for what, 60-90 years if we're lucky, why the hell would someone in their positions NOT do this?!

I don't buy the whole "the best gift someone can give their kids is having them forge their own path" BS someone said above either, I mean of course no one should be given everything and treated like a God regardless of their behavior, but imo it would be self-serving and narcissistic for a parent to purposefully exclude their kid who had a genuine interest, especially if that kid is pretty good otherwise (which both of them seem to be).

I'm not really even a Kevin Smith fan (of his movies, as a person he seems really cool) and just stopped by to check out the fan opinions on this one, but the hate on this surprised me, even for IMDB, which is saying a lot haha!

People need to chill out and stop forming opinions based on jealousy and/or insecurity. There's nothing wrong with this at all and if you don't like the movie, don't watch it. I've literally not even seen a single advertisement for it, so it's not like that's hard to do.


A few million dollars of investor's money, investors who will make a profit off this film, regardless of its 'IMDb rating'.


Maybe they're just having fun with friends and family? Smith has gone on at length saying how he doesn't make movies for anyone but himself and his friends anymore. At what point watching this movie did you think anyone involved was taking this seriously?

If I was Smith I would make stupid movies only my friends and I thought was funny too.

People are far too cynical in this world.


Yeah it's almost as cringeworthy as watching Jaden Smith act, please, for the love of all that is holy, never let that happen again.


You guys know that Robert Rodriguez already did this same thing a couple of years ago with Shorts, right? Though that was a wee bit more kid friendly then this thing. Still, I kind of dig the "making movies for my kiddos" route. The movie is silly, but harmless.

"Inside my heart is breaking, my makeup may be flaking, but my smile still stays on!"


A new clerks with 2 chicks wouldnt be awful. Hell it could even be brilliant and poignant if done right and given the success of trash like Girls it could even be financially successful. However, Kevin Smith is out of touch with this generations youth and has never once understood females. This dude has never known how to write chicks. Generally he has two chicks fighting over Dante or stuff. Even Chasing Amy its not like JOey Lauren Adams has much of a character beyond being the object of Holden's affection.

Kevin Smith might have wanted to make Clerks 3 with his daughter and Depp's daughter, but he didn't know enough about modern day girls to come up with more than 3 minutes of dialogue about Harry Styles and Justin Bieber. He was able to do Clerks and most of his movies because he understood the slacker stoner. He knew what was important to them and how to write them and write for them.

Hell the dude even put a joke in there about algebra not being important later in life...that stuff wasn't funny in 1960. He had no clue how to write for the girls. It would have been better if he did an almost point for point remake of Clerks or Clerks 2. Where 2 slacker highschool chicks work in a convenience store and hate the customers. They show little care, talk back, ridicule etc...Meanwhile friends and enemies from highschool come in and they have to deal with them. One girl can be dealing with a love triangle and the other expecting her boyfriend is cheating. Snapchat, IG, facetime and twitter could be plotpoints. One girl could have a scholarship offer for band or something that she gave up and toss in cliches like that mixed with a frankenstein version of Smith dialogue and modern day high school chick lingo. He can even over intellectualize them and have them debate at breakneck speed like Smith is known for. That would actually have been interesting, but he didnt want to take the time to do that so it devolved into a horror story about sausage nazi's that want to kill art
