It doesn't seem up to Smith's level but, his daughter is new at the game.. it is my theory that she did the screenplay, and she directed.
Based on THAT I would say to her.. great debut effort but very uneven and weighed down by your dad's have a lot to learn keep studying your craft and you will get better! As far as acting I think she did a fine job.
or to Kevin if this is indeed his. Dude.. you need to stop phoning stuff in like this! Because this made me conclusively decided that this is your daughter's debut effort.
I know it's not exactly beloved but I think Tusk is one of his better movies, same with Red State. I don't think this one dud is indicative of his decline overall. He always made bad movies ever once in a while.
he's not trying to make some 100 mill comedy movie anymore. He almost stopped making movies all together but came around to going back to his roots and making them for himself (and fans) , films that no body else will make.
I'm a huge Smith fan. Love most his movies, but even bigger fan of his podcasts and Q&As. But this movie is just awful, I think even most of his other fans agree.
I know many liked Tusk and Red State but I didn't at all. Neither do I ever want to see again. Then add this and he also wrote the Jay and Silent Bob animated movie. None do I think are good. I couldn't even get thru the animated movie at all In the 90s I loved all his movies, it's been a long time since he did anything I loved let alone liked
when she delivers the pathetic line "i'm not even supposed to be here today" it's supposed to be a glorious homage to "clerks" but it comes out terrible and it takes knowing that the film was trying to pay homage to clerks to remember the line and "get it".
there's one thing about real movies. they don't end at the third take. di caprio was forced to eat shrimp for like six hours in "the wolf of wall street" for a two minute scene. that's how real people make a movie. they get 100 takes and pick the one that works best. practically nothing in this film is a "good take". it feels like "troma" quality, at best.
i have to try so hard not to rag on kevin smith. i have to try so hard not to mention that his stupid hockey jersey, backwards hat and big dumb eyed look don't scream insecurity and that he thinks he's cute and tries so hard to be the ultimate fanboy of worthless US culture while slamming canadian culture like he's cute and funny for doing it. the "fubar" films were GREAT. he is GARBAGE.
"tusk" only succeeds because it was so tastelessly disturbing. find another film that's about horrendous body modification that includes a story about child rape. if anything, that film gets the "PTSD" award of the century but only because it was so out of control disturbing.
he's a lucky hack when he gets anywhere but otherwise, he shouldn't be allowed to waste people's time with his films.
I dunno man. When I watch Kevin Smith Q&A sessions, it's obvious he knows what's up. He's very self aware and self deprecating. If I had to bet, I'd say he knew damn well his daughter saying that line from Clerks was going to make a lot of eyes roll. He's basically been spending the last 20 years struggling to stay a step ahead of his haters. He knew damn well most people were going to hate this movie and he said as much.
He could just be having fun. He made his money through the 90s and 00s. Now maybe he's just having fun with his career. Plus with his daughter a teen he could be trying to include her in his job but having to dull down everything