I was RATTED in real life..
This is the most scariest situation someone can be in.. Seriously this movie shows all the things that a ratter can do with your infected computer and android phone.
I had a ratter on my computer for I don't know how long because at one point he started messaging me on the computer and saying stuff about my private information and how he loved spying on me and, "watching me watch porn"....Luckily, I had no webcam and If I did.. Who knows what he would have gotten on me.
You see in the movie it mentions Michael JUST changed his passwords and he still got "hacked" That is because a rat injects a key-logger in your PC that records every key phrase you type plus it can have access to ALL passwords and bank information you might have.
The scary thing about a rat virus is that It blends in with your computer, you CAN have it RIGHT now and you wouldn't even know because your virus will not pick it up 90% of the time..
So please guys, watch this youtube video just to know the necessary information about a RAT and how to identify if you have on on your computer.