Pick an adjective. For someone who loved 1000 Corpses and Devil's Rejects it saddens me Rob Zombie could make something this atrocious. This wasnt even a B-movie. Just absolutely horrid on every level. The storyline, the acting, the ending. A total POS and will make me think not twice, but three times before watching anything else he makes.
Not only did he NOT like it.... it's hard to believe in the universe anyone could find anything GOOD about this film other than the first 5 min and the last 5 min of this film...
It's the easiest thing to make a cool looking intro and ending but then you have to fill the movie with something just as good... and this was a big fail.
I'm giving him more credit than I should too....being generous based on his GOOD films.
How in the hell can someone claim to love HO1000 and DR, and not like this movie? Lmao. And when has the acting been stellar in rob zombies films? It's a mindless entertainment popcorn horror film. This film is basically rob zombies version of the running man. Meanwhile this movie is 61% fresh on RT lmao. I makes me laugh when people who claim to be a fan of zombies "earlier work" claim to not like this film when it fits right in with his earlier work. I'm am a zombie fan myself, but I learned a long time ago to take his films for what they are. He's not trying to get critical acclaim, and I don't think he really gives a *beep* about the box office. He's just a dude who likes making horror films. If you could do better, then why not go make your own film?