On Ovation........

I'm glad Ovation is choosing to air this series in it's original format/uncensored. This show would really take a big hit if somebody cut it up and censored it. I would hope other channels (especially FX) begin to cease the self-censorship they impose on themselves at the price of creating lesser quality shows. I think this show works perfectly for Ovation however where-as, in my opinion, many other networks would have butchered it. (Ex: The Sopranos on A&E years back)


It's heavily edited. Some scenes are cut, and a lot of the plot is missing. I hope when the DVD series comes out we get the full version and not the edited one.


is it edited for time? to get it down to 42-47 minutes or something? was the original version 60 minutes?


Yes, cut by 10 minutes. You can subscribe to USS airing episodes by episode or season on YouTube. Go to the Versailles - Topic video 193 to get the full episodes. I think the plot of each episode will make much more sense.
