MovieChat Forums > The Predator (2018) Discussion > Here is how I would have REWRITTEN this ...

Here is how I would have REWRITTEN this movie

Let's pretend I'm given this script and asked to fix it to make it work. Here's what I would have done.

1) The government is bad. Why not make them in cahoots with the Aliens? An agreement with the aliens that they can come here and hunt, and kill, and take human samples, in exchange for military technology.

2) McKenna and his army team were set up as sport in the jungle. The "best of the best" sent to more or less be sport.

3) McKenna survives the hunt. He takes the technology, sends it to his kid, and escapes.

4) McKenna took something he wasn't entitled to. Now both the government and the Aliens are after him to take it back.

5) Back in the States, he is arrested, and instead of being on a bus, he's in an underground cell with the other loonies. The first fight to escape takes place under ground.

6) The land escape begins. Imagine a scene of them in a bus being chased by a predator and shooting at it (Jurassic Park homage.) Some get killed, some get injured.

7) McKenna swings by and picks up his son.

8) McKenna retreats to the forrest with his team and a planning session begins. This is the training scene missing in this movie.

9) When ready, the boy activates the weapons, which lets the predators and military know their whereabouts. "Come and get it." He tells them.

10) They come. The major team fight scene of the movie. Aliens and their human protectors are killed left right and center.

11) The boy is taken. This sets up the rescue mission.

12) Boy is taken to Amazon Jungle and dumped. Government tells McKenna that he has to go rescue his son. If he doesn't, they will drop a big bomb, a scorched earth weapon. McKenna goes.

13) McKenna fights the Predator alone in the jungle.

14) McKenna prevails and rescues son.

The End.


I would have had it take place in Afghanistan.


The jungle is one of the strong elements of this story.


The predator worked just as good in the city for predator 2 as long as it was camouflaged - both the predators in this hardly used camouflage apart from in the jungle night scenes, the super predator was just walking about while being shot at, they also hardly used blaster weapons.

Also think that the movement of the predators have been really poor compared to the late Kevin Peter Hall whose movements were fantastic in running and jumping in both the original movies, he was tall, athletic build with the suit, the new predators in all the rest of the movies have been chunky and the body proportions have been ridiculous, the large super predator looked ugly with his centaur body/legs without the back legs and him doing the CGI running was laughable.

A camouflaged predator stalking its prey on the afghan hills/rock would be just as good as the jungle plus do some night scenes and soldiers suffering from the heat exhaustion seeing mirages/hallucinations killing each other with friendly fire plus the thing is to keep the mystery in the predator till near the half way mark, we know what they are but that's what makes the predators invincible not knowing what they look like and are capable of until they've taken out all the minor threats and faced with the final prey.

the thing is to keep it very simple, no big twists or turns - a camouflaged predator/s hunting its prey or the prey hunting the predator/s - good inventive kills, some good dialogue and then explosive end.


I’m not saying it couldn’t work, but the predator perched in a tree is pretty iconic.


There's christmas type trees on mountains of afghanistan or ex soviet states. Plus caves, ravines and deserts.

They could even set it in the 80's with soviet forces, taliban and SAS type british or american forces facing predator/s, choppers, tanks, 4x4 humvees.


Ah, but Afghanistan has been described as Vietnam with mountains.


Here are some changes that needed to be made, off the top of my head:

1) A clearer motivation for the first Predator. He's killing humans but he wants to help preserve human life? Shouldn't he be teaming up with the Loonies? Why give them Predator Killer armour? How does that solve global warming? Are the Predators going to invade Earth? Doesn't seem like their style.

2) Less reliance on the Predator's technology, from both humans and Predators. It really demystifies the monsters if they are so heavily reliant on tech that even a human child can use.

3) Less of the cute kid being a cartoon superhuman genius, more of the lady scientist using her lifetime of knowledge

4) More opportunities for the Loonies to actually show their combat skills, as opposed to make dumb jokes.

5) A mask for the giant Predator. It was ridiculous when it was revealed that its body had a bulletproof endoskeleton but its face was vulnerable.

6) No Predator translation device or subtitles. Once again, it demystifies the monster and its a lazy storytelling shortcut.

7) No Predator Killer armour ... it should have been one of the survivors of "Predators" in the box (or Arnie, which would explain where he'd been all this time), hinting that they knew how to pilot a Predator craft to the planet from "Predators".

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The lady scientist was a big let down. I was expecting more than attempted murder from her.

I liked the boy being able to understand them, but he needed to be used more as a motive to save the day.

The Loonies were good comedic relief but not a necessary part of the storyline.
