MovieChat Forums > Tangerine (2015) Discussion > The future of filmmaking...

The future of filmmaking...

If this is the future of filmmaking, then buckle up for a straight stock market like crash...Hollywood is ALL OUT OF IDEAS...


If this is the future of filmmaking, then buckle up for a straight stock market like crash

It's considered the future of film making because it was shot entirely on an iPhone 5s.

Hollywood is ALL OUT OF IDEAS...

Hollywood will never run out of idea's.

The Best Movies of 2015 Past, Present and Future:


I was wondering why it looked so bad.
But I don't see this as the future of filmmaking, because of a phone being used as the camera. plenty of cameras small enough to hide. One came out two weeks ago a little bigger than a golf ball that shoots 4k.


for me the real problem is these indie film makers they opened pandora's box not realizing it should of never been open to begin with .its not the big guys so much as its the little guys trying to make everything small they fail to that just because you can doesnt always mean you should.just because every idealist nitwit that graduates film school and wields a camera believes he is a prodigy doesnt mean he or she should be treated like one the same with his work .These people are hurting themselves in the end because ultimately if someone can do what you then what use are you to the industry ? this is the double edged sword that is technology on the one hand its good on the other hand its a hindurance its the little guy thats ruining things for the film industry not the big guy its guys like sean baker that are ruining it .This isnt meant everyone to do or have access to .

Humankind cannot bear very much reality


kidjay, you're missing the point. You're saying it isn't meant for everyone to have access to a camera. Guess what, everyone already has access to an iPhone camera. They make silly videos of themselves driving while singing the latest awful Taylor Swift or Nicki Minaj song. Of course, that doesn't make them filmmakers.

The great thing about the availability of cameras/resources these days is that there's no excuse anymore not to go out and put your best ideas to work. Go out and make your first film guerrilla-style if necessary. Filmmaking has always been an expensive medium. I do miss FILM and I want to believe it'll never die, but unfortunately it is so expensive that we gotta make the best use of the digital technology that is ever improving.

And it is the "big guys" with their countless superhero movies that are ruining cinema, NOT creative fellas like Sean Baker.

Without you, today's emotions would be the scurf of yesterday's.


YES, Benedict_Cumberbatch.


Yes, BC. You don't have to wait anymore. You don't have to bow down to big money. You can keep your vision and make the movie you want. A great story is a great story. I saw this movie in the theater and I completely forgot it was shot on an iphone. You know why? I was engrossed in the movie.

It's ok to like more than one actor. :))


The market in hollywood will crash because right now its flooded with idiots like sean baker who think because they have a iphone or can work a camera all of a sudden there film makers .

character is habitual action, we are what we do habitually.


Sean Baker has already made films before Tangerine, most notably Starlet, which is shot like a conventional film. Do your research before you make stupid comments.


It might be the future for independent films and first time directors who want to make guerrilla films.

It's that man again!!


I thought the future of film making started with desktop video when you could edit video, with Adobe premiere or Sony (or whoever they bought it off) Vegas

Instead, it ended up being idiots on youtube LOL

This is advertising slogan for an IT company I will not name....i wouldnt be surprised to hear that they got the company to fund this rubbish
