Why is this marketed as a black comedy?
It's not even remotely funny. In the trailer it looks like it perhaps facetiously tackles the issues presented but the actual film does not do this.
It's a depressing story with an unhappy ending that realistically portrays prostitution and it realistically portrays trans women - and part of this realistic portrayal is that they possess misogynistic attitudes towards women and that they are capable of and do commit violence against them.
This goes against the current mainstream narrative of trans women being innocent of all wrong-doing and are also somehow oppressed by actual women for talking about their vaginas.
In other words: the misogyny of the trans movement is blatantly ignored in mainstream discourse. I'm thinking that that may be part of why the movie is marketed as a black comedy. It's a way of not focusing on it as being as big of a deal as it is.
I appreciate the film for its brutal honesty but a comedy it is not.