Slater.... bwahahahahahahahahah

OMG, the AC Slater casting was HOOORRRRRIIBBBBLLLEEE. It's bordering on racist, "Let's get a brown skin kid, put a curly wig on him, viola, AC Slater!! Nah, doesn't matter he doesn't have a single iota of resemblance"


The first time that kid says "preppy" is when I will probably start dry heaving.


or when he calls Jessie "Momma." or she calls him "Bubba."



I loved Mario Lopez as "Slater". My issue is not with casting Mexicans in TV shows but with casting the wrong people in TV shows regardless of race. I feel all the characters in the TV movie were all wrongfully miscast. This kid playing Slater looks nothing like Slater. To be honest, he doesn't even look Hispanic. It looks a twelve year old Filipino boy with a bad perm.


I hope you're kidding.


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Oh well, at least they are both "Hispanic".
