What the hell is this?

Seriously, I don't know if I am gonna watch this or not, it would be weird to see other people playing the real cast in real life, how is this gonna work?



What the hell is this?
This, this is perfection.



It's a made for TV movie and these type of movies ARE not supposed to be Oscar bait LOL!

Anyways the movie was better than I thought although my expectations for the movie weren't all that great to begin with.

Plus how the hell is the original cast of SBTB going to sign on to a film that is unauthorized?

Just about everybody in the original cast of the show has moved on and Mark Paul-Gosselaar seems to me at least, has tried his best to distance himself from SBTB a la Will Smith who has done the same in regards to Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.

I know it's weird to see other people play our beloved heroes from SBTB, but all the original cast have other lives and they're grown adults who have evolved and moved on from the show.
