Surprisingly okay!

My expectations were at an all time low. But for what it was, it was definitely decent. Although the actors didn't look entirely like the originals, I felt like the essence of them was there. Also, wasn't near as risky as I thought, it was actually kind of endearing. Not bad.



Yeah, I agree with you completely. Dustin and maybe Mario had the best-suited casting as far as looks, but all of them did a good job, so I was able to overlook it. Also, they definitely got Elizabeth's hair down lol. I also learned some stuff that I didn't know, such as the "extra" who acted like Dustin's friend, and then tried to blackmail him in the end. I wonder how much of it is accurate.


I disagree. There was no "story." MP and Lark dated for 3 years...why does it seen like they only had a tiny crush on one another? And I was never able to tell what time-frame they were in. They all looked completely different at the end of SBTB than they did in the beginning of the show...I felt like I was watching the characters from the first season of the show for 2 straight hours.


And I was never able to tell what time-frame they were in. They all looked completely different at the end of SBTB than they did in the beginning of the show...I felt like I was watching the characters from the first season of the show for 2 straight hours.

Perhaps they could've done more to change their hairstyles if the actors did in real life, but in the defense of the makers of this film, the actors were shooting this movie for a couple of months and that's it. They couldn't age naturally like the actors did in real life.


I know that - but makeup can do wonders when it comes to tweaking age. I just expected more.


They could have just cast older actors (17-20 range). The actors in the movie looked way too young to be doing anything mature. They looked like they had just gotten out of the stage of wanting toys as presents, especially Lark and Mark.


It was about what I expected. For me it goes Citizen Kane, Boogie Nights, The Godfather, Unauthorized: Saved by the Bell Lifetime Movie.

I liked it, although they never aged and I agree Screech and AC nailed it. Could of been better, but it could've been a lot worse.

I enjoyed it most for the behind the scenes executive scenes even though the it was a Dumbed Down Lifetime version, but what channel is better for my All Time Guilty Pleasure behind the scenes movie?
