Any Actual BLACK Kids in Canada?

Seems like in most of their productions, the actors and actresses they get for the most part cast as 'the Black kid' are usually biracial. Nothing wrong with that but in the case of this movie, the actress they got for Lark/Lisa was too light skinned.

'When there's no more room in Hollywood, remakes shall walk the Earth.'


i think they were trying to match the original cast as much as possible.. not just by skin colour but basic facial features


Yes, there are 'BLACK' kids in Canada , haven't you ever seen Degrassi and Edgemont?

Boston and Philly love to slander us, but they don't have as many fans as us


I kind of felt the same way; they could have found a black girl to play Lisa Turtle. This new Whitney Houston story is going to be a mess; but I am glad they are using a black woman.



like drake


I take it you never been to Montreal or Toronto. There are tons of blacks in Canada. Canada was one of the destinations for the Underground Railroad.
