Marks outburst with mom

That scene didn't fit in with his character. They were portraying this tame nice guy. I do believe that scene happened which makes me think the real mark was a little more of a hot head. I also think they played down Mario's libido.


They totally played down Mario's libido and the fact he was practically illiterate when he started SBTB. I've heard stories that he was getting it on with grown women when he was 16. Mario admitted himself that he hook up with Tiffani and Elizabeth.


and the fact he was practically illiterate when he started SBTB

Really? That's interesting and a little ironic since he was in an episode of the Golden Girls where Dorothy is tutoring him, and helps him write an essay that he has to read. I guess that just shows that Hollywood wasn't overly concerned with a child actor's education. Sad.


I think it not true they dramatized it!

Mark never blow up in front of Dustin so how did Dustin know about it?
