OT ~ Actors looking alike

Not only seen it on this page (via so many darn threads) but within other biopics as well. This is not first time they didn't get someone who looked exactly like the person they are playing so unsure why people make it out to a big deal.

As I stated in other threads ... I'm ok with who they decided to play as the characters. We can best believe that people long ago had issues with those who portrayed Elvis, Monroe, etc.

My point of this thread is that you can argue about it till your hair falls out but whats done is done. Next time you find out about a movie that is being made... voice your opinions up front (send emails, do a petition, etc). I am awaiting the Aaliyah story from Lifetime and was happy w/ the 1st actress choosen Zendaya but she dropped out after fans made there views of the movie known. So it's not like they don't pay attention ... because they do. Just need to be vocal UP FRONT!
