
I think I might have nightmares about the actor who played Zach and his eyebrows. They were distracting and hideous! Overall, movie was dull. I'm a sucker for most lifetime movies but this one was pretty unimpressive.


you watched the entire thing and that's what you got out of it, and felt compelled to not only comment on, but to make an entire thread? get a life


Hehe. Bad eyebrows, bad wig.


Your right. My opinion is stupid, and I should keep my thoughts to myself. I apologize for wasting your time. I am still young and was just trying to be funny. Clearly it didn't work. I always do stupid things. Probably why people pick on me at school. Thank you. I'll stay off the boards. Again, so sorry.


I had the same problem with his 'brows! Why are they so dark since he's blonde??


It's totally fine for you to dedicate a thread to his eyebrows. I felt the same way, his entire look was so ridiculous. Didn't resemble Zack Morris in the slightest.


I completely agree!! So distracting
