Why did DUSTIN laugh at...

... the rehearsal of the "JESSIE gets addicted to pills" episode?


Because it was goofy and overacted. I'd laugh too.

He does mention it's caffine pills or whatever not like it's sleeping pills or a major drug. He thought it was dumb that she was freaking out like crazy.


I've seen the scene, and it is unintentionally funny. I was just surprised that he would see it the same way during a rehearsal. Specially when the other actors didn't see it.


Who knows if that's really how it went down? He did produce the movie. I suspect that everyone involved knew how corny it was but they remained professionals while Dustin crapped on it because he really didn't have a real vested interest in the storyline since it had nothing to do with him. The other cast members were probably being supportive of Berkley. Dustin probably saw it as them being so dumb that they took the storyline seriously, when in reality he was simply being an a-hole.
