Good flick but two things I didn't like (SPOILERS)
I enjoyed the movie and liked the fact that it was a small story instead of some huge blockbuster. I also liked how the kids had fun driving the car around the fields. Plus, it had some good suspense scenes, especially with the kids playing around with the guns (I was worried one of the kids would shoot the other). Kevin Bacon and the other guy did a great job playing the villains and the writing of the kids was well done.
However, the one thing I really didn't like was the reappearance of the Camryn Manheim character at the end. Is it just me or did that seem like a *huge* coincidence? Out of all the people in the world to come down the road during the final confrontation, it's her? Come on. If it had just been some random motorist, I think it would've been far more believable.
Also, one small thing. The kids go deaf when they fire the pistol. That's well done and realistic. But they're not left with permanent hearing damage afterwards and the loud noise of the second and third shots doesn't affect them? Hard to believe. Also, they don't put something in their ears to cover the noise. Rather foolish.
Despite these flaws, I still thought it was a good movie.