-It just couldn't decide what it wanted to be. Black comedy? Action? Drama?
-Where was the character development? We never really knew who any of these people were. No backstory on anyone.
-From the time the criminal took the kids hostage, to the end of the shootout, looked like the director told everyone to just improvise and nobody really knew what to do. It was just all over the place.
-And some of the directing was really poor. Like the scene where the Sheriff went to his house, I had no idea where he was exactly.
-And there is nothing worse than the lazy, cut-to-black ending.
With some script rewrites, and the Coen brothers directing, this could've been a great movie.
Yeh and there was no resolution at all. What exactly did these characters do, who was really guilty. I mean, I know something was up, but I kept seeing the running time getting closer and closer to the end that I had a feeling not much was going to get solved.
-It just couldn't decide what it wanted to be. Black comedy? Action? Drama?
Its actually you who can't decide what you want it to be. For me its just a thriller. Certainly not black comedy or action.
-Where was the character development? We never really knew who any of these people were. No backstory on anyone.
Character development is needed in films that need character development. Not all films have it or need it. It doesnt mean anything and it doesnt define whether a film is good or bad.
looked like the director told everyone to just improvise and nobody really knew what to do. It was just all over the place.
That was the great part about it, it wasn't slick...just like in real life. Its going for realism, not a slick set piece.
-And some of the directing was really poor. Like the scene where the Sheriff went to his house, I had no idea where he was exactly.
He was at his house. That was obvious. Directing was very good in the film...dont blame the director if you miss some stuff that is there for all to see.
-And there is nothing worse than the lazy, cut-to-black ending.
Your opinion...I like endings like that, its not spelled out what happened, but I took it that as he was just about to enter town and was talking to the police, that they got the kid to the hospital in time. I dont need a hollywood happy ending in a hospital room to tell me this...i can see it well enough.
I don't think he claimed this was a masterpiece, and I think he just explained what you didn't happen to see. I tend to agree with him more than you. The film is subjective, and while no masterpiece, it was a good film.
Kevin bacon, gangly as all hell, running through the countryside because two kids stole his cop car, kids that couldn't work out how to work a pistol or a rifle, and try looking down the barrel to see what's making it not work... Not a black comedy...? Only becuase it was excruciating, and unfunny.
Yeah, it was confused.
And it's pacing was miles off. Felt like he was aping Gus Van Sant, and Wim Wenders. The thing about those directors is they had talent and their characters and films had character.
The events of this film should have taken place in about 20 minutes screen time. There wasn't enough in this to fill up an hour and a half. Directors like Lynch, Wenders could manage it becuase they would be doing something interesting, arty. This was deliberate, boring narrative, that just took FOREVER. Thriller? doesn't that require it be THRILLiNG?
Kevin bacon, gangly as all hell, running through the countryside because two kids stole his cop car, kids that couldn't work out how to work a pistol or a rifle, and try looking down the barrel to see what's making it not work... Not a black comedy...? Only becuase it was excruciating, and unfunny.
Yeah, it was confused. Just as the other poster suggested.
Clearly he switched to improvising becuase he couldn't direct squat. The scene in the coffee shop where she thinks about talking to the police was PAINFUL, the young boy that survived was painful throughout. Every scene he was acting, like he was acting, on cue. The one that died was much better. I can understand having failed to get decent footage, and elicit specific performances from an actor trying different methods. Unless that bad acting was the hallmark of this director's technique of improvisation...
How did he miss a window and shoot himself again? Because this film is dumb, and lazy.
How did Kevin Bacons boot lace manage to catch the door lock of the car he stole? Because this film is dumb, and lazy.
The ending wasn't open ended, it faded or cut to black on his being contacted by 'civilization'.
No not a black comedy. A thriller can have laughs, or lighter moments, doesnt make it 'a black comedy'. There are some laughs in jaws, but its not a comedy.
Film wasnt confused, I wasn't confused, were you?
Neither boy died, at the moment of the ending they were both alive and you dont know what happened after that.
Weird things happen all the time, missing a window and getting hit by a ricochet is hardly that difficult to believe.
We watched Bacon catch the door lock with his lace after a couple of failed attempts, not sure what the problem was with that. Here is a guy managing it better than Bacon did.
Yes, I was thoroughly confused. Mostly at how reviewers on Rotten Tomatoes overrated this film with 80% approval.
I saw a gut shot youth assumed he'd died and been put out of his misery, as I soon would be by the film's end.
Note: the person in the youtube video did it the way that works in *reality*, the way Liam Neeson did it in Run All Night...
This not what happened in the scene in this film, which via the power of obvious editing MAGIC, or the spirits of the ancestors of Kevin Bacon, the boot lace magicked itself onto the latch, and then applied half a pounds pressure where none existed, to move the paper thin plot along... You don't even appear to have noticed the difference between what that guy in the youtube video did, and what they did in the film.
Can you be completely escapist and lazy when making a film, and it still be a 'thriller'? Isn't there a reliance on reality...
Regardless, genre is horse**** to help dullards pick films, and the studios market their movies, for the most part. This lame duck borrows from 'thriller' (define thriller...), action, horror, and most importantly, liberally draws from specific ORIGINAL cult and arthouse films and movements that defied or mashed genre! Making any pigeonholing of this film by genre a fairly asinine undertaking. This film borrows liberally from older, vastly superior films by fore-mentioned directors, and the likes of Cohen Brothers, and even film-derivative visceral television series. It's a confused, overlong mess, that has very little to say about anything.
I guess that 80% of reviews are just wrong...yeah, thats how it works. Could it be that although you didnt like the film, its actually not bad? Plenty of good films that i dont like, my ego is not so large that i presume my opinion is actually a fact.
No, the kid didnt die in the film.
I realise the proper method of opening an older car door lock is a bit different, hence why it took Bacon a lot longer and some trial and error. That was more 'real' than if he opened it in 10 seconds. He is obviously doing this for the first time...he is not a car thief.
You mention a paper thin plot? A complex plot is not needed in this type of film. Lots of films have a 'plot' which is just people reacting to a situation. Is a lack of plot something that put you off this film? Thats not the films fault. It is what it is, and can't be faulted for not being what you wanted it to be.
I think this film is very average. The imdb rating is typically overly high, as all new films are. But the marked difference between it and the RT rating suggests it must have attracted dodgy budget reviews aintiitcoolnews.com, fangoria etc, or been based on not many reviews at all to have skewed the result.
The films that you are describing usually provide richness in things *other* than the complexity of their plot. Like viscera, the deliciousness of a particular villain, lots of flash cars, lots of explosions, lots of guns, lots of sex, great landscapes/animals, a solid musical score (this film was just about dead silent most times), comedy etc etc.
You can't just have an uninteresting or basic plot, bad child acting/direction (which you are clearly immune to), and an absence of anything to replace what this film felt comfortable to omit.
And again, you could take 10 years and you will NEVER open a car door the way he did int hat film.
Go and put lubricant all over a door handle so your hand cant get any friction to turn it. Will it just take longer to open the door? No. You need more friction/pressure. This was the BS in that scene. He could have spent forever, and he still wouldn't have got that door open. The guy in the youtube video uses the lateral tension to provide the pressure that provides the friction that opens the door. It's pretty simple physics.
Now as for good/bad films... and that being 'subjective'.
I'd argue there are some universal rules that apply to films that define inalienably good or bad elements of a film, that collectively could make that a 'good' or 'bad' film.
One which is relevant to this film is acting. If your actor looks like they are thinking (what do I do next? oh, look right. Now? Look left. Now? Say my line. etc etc) that breaks immersion and looks unbelievable. A good actor feels the role and acts. There are all sorts of styles that are an excuse for unreality in acting, over-acting etc. But if you aren't consciously doing that what you produce is likely to be CRAP.
I don't think anyone that actually observes people, or actors would disagree that the kid with the long hair wasn't very good. Or if not *his* limitation then the director wasn't very good. This is true of a lot of big name directors that rely on actors guesstimating the directors wonts, or have enough creative control just to rock their role and that's that.
However, a director overcomes such limitations of their casts talent by limiting the duration of their shots (to capture those moments they appear to be acting), doctor the script to avoid complexity or the need to act, or keep actions and set pieces simple and punctuated by sympathetic camerawork and editing. Be this for a child or an adult with limited acting ability.
When the actor looks like they are acting, and it isn't pantomime or understandable as surrealism, it is *bad*. There was a lot of *bad* child acting in this film. This is only barely excusable in a stupid film, that is not to be taken seriously, it is utterly inexcusable in something called a 'thriller'.
Alone that might not make a 'bad' film, but I knock off BIG marks for it in any film that isn't intentionally crap like an Ed Wood or Roger Corman film.
Especially one with a simple plot, that really didn't have anything interesting going for it, but that seemed to have a lot of pretensions, and production value.
I'd argue there are some universal rules that apply to films that define inalienably good or bad elements of a film, that collectively could make that a 'good' or 'bad' film.
Yes I agree. There are lots of subjective elements to a film that can make it subjectively good or bad. Bad editing, plot holes, wardrobe, props etc etc. But acting is one area that can go either way, its both subjective and objective. You can get acting that no one would say is good, and you get acting that some think is good and others think is bad.
I think the kids acting was fine, I have kids and they don't act like polished adults delivering lines, they do think about stuff in the middle of doing it, they do sometimes just look a bit goofy and dumb when they figure out what to say next. I watch a lot of films, and bad acting stands out to me, but there was nothing wrong with their acting in my opinion. It wont win any awards, but it was fine. If anything it was 'too' real, people are used to people acting, and when the acting seems non movie like, its seen as bad. They acted like kids, not actors playing kids.
I would just say watch the two boys again, and their movements, facial expressions, one is MUCH more natural. The scene that stood out for me was when they found the cop car. Next time you (or if you ever) see this film again observe then in that scene.
Being less emotional/expressive is not part of being a bad actor, there are quiet or more reserved characters. However, his state of muteness/neutrality (facially/vocally/body language) and forced deliberateness when he did engage in an action or dialogue read more like BAD acting (to me).
That might be subjective... A History of Violence's child actor also jarred with me horribly for what was probably a similar reason and the Cronenberg direction did too (which it usually does (I could 'hear' the director saying BE WIDE EYED, JUST KEEP SAYING THAT LINE... presto! a scared child! That's a wrap!)). The characters felt more like what I'd expect in some two dimensional pap like Star Wars, or some other awful emotive movie or television directed at children or idiots... rather than a gritty film approaching a gritty reality, and notably worthy of near universal praise from 'high-brow' critics.
I always thought Cronenberg was the poor man's Lynch, based on subject matter and his style. but the last few of his I did suffer (and twice even to see if I was wrong on first viewing) removed any doubt of that. But that is an aside.
You come across so hostile Smokey. A ridiculous number of posts in various threads absolutely trashing this movie just because it had a high percentage on RT. You weren't tricked into watching it and your time isn't that precious. It was just a slow burner movie which obviously isn't your thing judging by your ratings history in which you give 7 or more stars to nothing but flashy, loud action movies. Cop Car had the pace of a movie like No Country For Old Men and that's one of the reasons I really liked it. I love getting right into the atmosphere and mood of a movie where the viewer isn't bombarded with a plot and action going at a 100 mph.
Just stick to the main-stream bang bang action movies your used to and don't bother with movies like this in the future as you're only setting yourself up for disappointment. Super Hero movies are your thing kiddo. Leave movies like this to the adults to watch and discuss.
And you are coming off as a condescending fanboi idjit.
Which is pretty much why I hung around - because I could see you policing any negative press this film was getting... well done. Stamp stamp stamp it out... Ve muzt schtamp out ze negativez!
As for my ratings they were thrown up for some other idjit, that trolled me for not having many reviews or ratings on an alt account. All were done at the same time and by clicking the SUGGESTED films I might like based on the last one I HAD JUST RATED. That is how meaningful that selection is...! If I had started with No Country for Old Men it would be a COMPLETELY different list of films because that would be a list films associated with 'trendy' 'smart' people (that like Cohen Bros films and similar).
Is that too complex a concept to understand and/or perhaps make your purile attack now seem rather baseless and silly? (if not quite yet perhaps it will sink in presently)
I have just gone through your list and rated a bunch of 'your' films. So now my list contains numerous ratings of (presumably) 'smart' and 'intelligent' films, that only 'adults' would appreciate. Films like Soldier, The Hitcher, John Wick, and Wayne's World... So now the next idjit that comes along won't think I only rate 'dumb' 'kids' films. Phew.
The pace of the film was/would be FINE if it had anything to convey within that space, if the interest of the film carried it. No Country for Old Men was punctuated by violence and tension, and contained great CHARACTERS, and did some VERY interesting things, because it was produced by great filmmakers, and a great cast. This wasn't remotely similar.
I can pretty much guarantee I have watched more, wider, and deeper than you have, or probably ever will. This is because I have watched, or been forced to watch, a *lot* of films as an amateur, an academic, and professional. So lets just dispense with the penis measuring based on a few imdb ratings, huh?
OMG you gave striking Distance a 6... OMG. OMG you gave Bloodsport an 8 OMG OMG OMG OMG. See how pointless and trollish that crap is? There are all manner of reasons to rate something up or down: the films pedigree, viewer expectations, and not being tricked (which you can be by marketing).
Note: I just looked through a lot of your ratings and honestly, they contain many of the EXACT kind films that you just belittled me for rating! That's called hypocrisy, son.
Along with those mainstream films you bother to watch, you also rate a significant whack what I would describe as nasty, bargain-basement, peripheral, horror-type rubbish. No 'classics', arthouse, interesting cult films in there that I saw. Certainly very few from before the 80's. You appear to have discovered Dirty Harry and checked out a few early Bond films and other big name films from the late 70's. Whoop-de-doo.
If your ratings are anything to go by...
No, your sampling is typically rubbish and mainstream in about even amounts. Which (if I apply the same quality of analysis that you offered me) paints a picture of an undiscerning, and easily entertained yobbo, with a penchant for video nasties...
Do you have tattoos? My thoroughly 'scientific' analysis of your personality and mental state based on your imdb ratings indicates you to have (or aspire to have) tattoos, probably piercings, Tool in your music collection, and possibly wear a lot of black, and in all liklihood own a ferret or a rat (or know someone that does).
Geez man settle down...you're so hostile. We're just talking movies here. Nothing to get so serious about. If we were having this conversation in person I'd imagine myself talking normally and you yelling and frothing at the mouth while I'm trying to contain my laughter. I talk to people on the internet how I'd talk to them in person. Would you shout and totally lose your cool at someone in person over a disagreement about a friggin' movie? Just take it easy!
I admit I was a bit provocative in insinuating you only like loud action movies. People's tones can't really be conveyed properly through text. But boy did you take that to heart
BTW I have no earthly idea what a "fanboi idjit" is or means. Should I be offended?
As far as your ratings. You've had an account for close to 2 years and you were only recently in a rush to rate movies and decided to start with PG-13 action dreck from the past 5-10 years? and you wanna grill me for not rating a bunch of foreign and art-house movies?
I have just gone through your list and rated a bunch of 'your' films. So now my list contains numerous ratings of (presumably) 'smart' and 'intelligent' films, that only 'adults' would appreciate. Films like Soldier, The Hitcher, John Wick, and Wayne's World
OMG you gave striking Distance a 6... OMG. OMG you gave Bloodsport an 8 OMG OMG OMG OMG. See how pointless and trollish that crap is? There are all manner of reasons to rate something up or down: the films pedigree, viewer expectations, and not being tricked (which you can be by marketing).
OMG!!! I guess you've got me by the balls now!!! First of all, I rated John Wick pretty low so I don't know why you're trying to use that as an example against me. Soldier and Striking Distance I only gave a 6 to which really isn't that high. There are other movies I'd rate a 6 which I know and understand are technically much better movies than those but I rate different movies for many different reasons. Those 2 in particular are fun 90s action movies I enjoyed as a kid and haven't watched in a long time. They were good enough for me to re-watch a few times back then so I'm not going to now rate them say a 3 or a 4 just because I can look back now and acknowledge that they're far from being "high art" or whatever. Wayne's World I loved as a kid and still do because watching movies like those bring back a lot of nostalgia I think we can all relate to. Bloodsport I won't hear a bad word about! It's a truly awful movie but incredibly entertaining and full of charm.
I gave decent ratings to a bunch of campy action, horror and comedy movies from my childhood whereas you gave 7s, 8s and 9s to a bunch of soulless PG-13 BS action movies that you would've seen when you were well into you're 20s or 30s or however much older you may be. Big difference.
The pace of the film was/would be FINE if it had anything to convey within that space, if the interest of the film carried it. No Country for Old Men was punctuated by violence and tension, and contained great CHARACTERS, and did some VERY interesting things, because it was produced by great filmmakers, and a great cast. This wasn't remotely similar.
They are quite different movies and I never said they weren't. I said the pacing was very similar. The brunt of your complaints were centered on the pace and "nothing happening". Cop Car wasn't strong on plot. It didn't need to be. I found it to be quite an enthralling and atmospheric movie. When I can totally immerse myself in the mood and setting of a movie then I think it's obviously quite effective and something I really like about certain movies. I found No Country For Old Men very similar in this regard.
By the way, I don't even think Cop Car is a "great" movie. I gave it a 7/10. Great movies I give 9 and 10 to. I loved the setting, I thought the kids were decent enough although their actions were at times frustrating and a little unbelievable even for 10 year olds. I thought Kevin Bacon was absolutely fantastic and enjoyed every moment he was on screen. This movie had a fairly amateur director and a limited cast and budget and I thought he made quite good use of what little was at his disposal. Whoever they had on set to make sure the kids were able to competently perform the risky moves involving the car, especially the scenes where they're entering and exiting the car as it's in motion, throughout the whole movie did a brilliant job.
I look for the positives in movies because I want to enjoy my time watching movies and not sitting their pretending I'm a critic. My time isn't that precious but I still would rather sit back and enjoy a movie and count the positives rather than sit their for an hour and a half looking for any and every reason to poke holes in it like you have with this movie. That you couldn't find one positive quality about this movie and have gone off on it the way you have just seems silly and unnecessary to me. You're one of those "I want those 2 hours of my life back" faux critics that run rampant on this site. Boring, joyless and apparently not enough fiber in their diet
I can pretty much guarantee I have watched more, wider, and deeper than you have, or probably ever will. This is because I have watched, or been forced to watch, a *lot* of films as an amateur, an academic, and professional. So lets just dispense with the penis measuring based on a few imdb ratings, huh?
Gotta love this old chestnut people break out on imdb.....you were saying something about dispensing with the penis measuring right after you type that? Hilarious! You can "guarantee" you've watched soooo many more such higher forms of art than me? and ever will? Do you still expect me to take you seriously after BS like that? Do you think using those tired old unoriginal retorts would work? Those remarks all belong in the 'Pretentious Dickheads Guide for IMDB Argument Winners' I've seen those exact phrases repeated so many times on this site now I've got them memorized. Pretty pathetic
Note: I just looked through a lot of your ratings and honestly, they contain many of the EXACT kind films that you just belittled me for rating! That's called hypocrisy, son.
I've rated hardly any of the sort of movies that you'd rated at the time I looked at your ratings. I saw that you'd rated mostly action and adventure movies from the past decade or so, alot of those horrid PG-13 action movies and super hero movies which is a genre I mostly stay the hell away from. I've rated very few of those movies and the ones I have I rated fairly low.
Along with those mainstream films you bother to watch, you also rate a significant whack what I would describe as nasty, bargain-basement, peripheral, horror-type rubbish. No 'classics', arthouse, interesting cult films in there that I saw. Certainly very few from before the 80's. You appear to have discovered Dirty Harry and checked out a few early Bond films and other big name films from the late 70's. Whoop-de-doo.
If your ratings are anything to go by...
No, your sampling is typically rubbish and mainstream in about even amounts. Which (if I apply the same quality of analysis that you offered me) paints a picture of an undiscerning, and easily entertained yobbo, with a penchant for video nasties...
I believe I already pretty much covered this earlier. I like nothing but "mainstream, nasty, bargain-basement horror rubbish" "No classics or interesting cult movies" You're either being dishonest or you skimmed over maybe my first page of ratings and picked out a handful of horror movies which, again, are mostly movies I watched as a kid that I look back on with a fondness for entertaining me on weekends. I've highly rated plenty of classics and interesting cult movies but that doesn't fit your argument so you choose to ignore that. Nothing more than a transparent and disingenuous attempt to discredit me. Poor effort
I'd forgotten about this thread as I don't have notifications turned on. I was just browsing through some of my posting history and came across this thread again.
tldr except a few snippets as I scanned what was doubtless continued inanity.
I did look at about 150 of your ratings.
It was a stupid argument of yours, and it was addressed.
What a pathetic response. "tldr" -So you're what? 14? 15? I made you look absolutely foolish and called you out for your overly hostile attitude. I'm sure everyone who's read this thread would share my sentiments. Someone who has to literally make things up to discredit someone has a pretty weak argument to begin with. Thanks for the laugh! Have fun watching your comic book movies kid!
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It's hilarious that you belittle MarwoodWalks for his "bad comeback" yet these were your 2 replies to his point by point response to your initial post;
"You have really horrible taste in movies if you thought this was a masterpiece."
-Firstly, he never said the movie was a masterpiece and secondly you needlessly accuse him of having horrible taste in movies because he argued against the weak points you made? Ridiculous.
"Get real. This movie was flawed from beginning to end."
-WOW! GREAT COMEBACK!!! You couldn't even be bothered responding to a single point he made. You started the thread. He responded and you act like a condescending prick for absolutely no reason. You have serious communication issues buddy.
I too liked the movie and totally disagree with each of your criticisms and totally agree with every counter-point made against your initial post. You're obviously accustomed to very paint by numbers and formulaic Hollywood movies as you totally misunderstood Cop Car.
You shouldn't bother starting a thread on a message board for DISCUSSION if you have no intention of actually having a discussion. You were rude, dismissive and obnoxious for no reason whatsoever.
Where there even writers on this movie. A strew of cuss words at the beginning, followed by a little bit of dialog the kids could have easily improved and then the bad guy saying I'm gonna kill you then the sheriff saying I'm gonna kill you. I could have written this script and I have no imagination