MovieChat Forums > Cyberpunk 2077 (2020) Discussion > CDPR really dropped the ball

CDPR really dropped the ball

There was so much hype for this game and CDPR fanboys were all telling us how this game would be monumental and like the greatest thing ever and the most revolutionary game of all time and what not.


It is a buggy mess that runs like crap on consoles and there is hardly anything innovative about the game and doesn't even begins to reach the levels of The Witcher III. CDPR were apparently more focused on the marketing and Keeanu Reeves than in crafting a compelling game.


This game is way better than overrated Witcher 3. What a clunky game that was.


The writing and quests are vastly superior in Witcher and the quests have more branching paths than in CyberBug.


But the fundamental controls suck in Witcher, it feels clunky and stilted. Console version of Cyberpunk probably sucks but on a top end PC it is something to behold.


The driving on CP is a mess with mouse and keyboard on a PC.


CDPR made back all the money it spent developing the game, and then some. If you were like me, you stayed away from all VIDEOS, teasers, and trailers for the game for the last 5 years and just sat back and tried to avoid the hype.

I got the game for PC, it was incredible, I was not disappointed, yes there were bugs but they were all minor for me, and easily patched. No crash to desktops, incredible graphics, unbelievable ray tracing performance from my RTX 3080 (which is impossible to acquire today unless you fork over $2500-3000USD), and over 150 hours poured into the game.

I am ready for more gigs, missions, story, whatever they can throw at the game.

As for the console versions, they probably should not have been released at all until 'next-gen' was ready, which is in the 2nd half of this year and only for Series X and PS5.
