Why have an interracial couple?
I found it distracting. Like are they pandering? Social engineering? Weird choice.
shareI found it distracting. Like are they pandering? Social engineering? Weird choice.
shareWhy not? It's a very common thing in today's society.
shareI know it is but in movies I feel like it’s some sort of SJW thing. Don’t you?
shareI don't really think about things like that. It's a movie, not real life.
shareThat’s exactly the point, it’s a “movie world” not the real world. So why and change what I’ve come to expect from my movie world? Unless them being interracial adds to the storyline in some way, why create this dynamic?
Movies and storytelling is essentially about processing drama and as I’m primed for that task, I find things like interracial couples to be distracting and jarring. I’m left to think that they wanted to appeal to minorities or something.
Chinese market won’t like it as they don’t really believe in interracial unions. So surprising as well.
That's a dumbass remark.
shareIt sadly brainwashes young white children in real life, so it is a concern. It is brainwashing white children into committing the genetic and phenotypic annihilation of their own white race and the physical features and appearances that make white European people look distinct from the other races.
It's basically telling white kids that it is "normal" and "cool" to wipe out their own race.
How do you come to the conclusion that it's common? Census data shows that it is less than 10% and that includes not just black/white marriages but every combination you could think of.
Less than 10% doesn't seem all that common, especially when every movie where you have a family seems to have an interracial couple. Seems to me that in Hollywood it has become another unspoken quota that they have for every movie they make.. That is why it is so annoying in movies, because it goes beyond the norm. If only 10% of the movies had an interracial couple and that couple wasn't always a black/white couple then people wouldn't see it as the pandering that it is. The reality is blacks as a percentage of the US population has been declining for years, yet because they are so racially notable they are overwhelming used as the token minority in most movies... it becomes annoying. If you used the percentage of blacks in movies as a window into the actual demographics of the US you would swear they made up 25 or 30 percent of the population instead of the 12 percent that actually does exist in the US. I mean the truth is if you watched the movies from say the 60's to today you would think that the black population was booming like crazy when again the reality is that it has changed only slightly as percent and is far below its peak in 1770. Those are the reasons cramming in another token bi-racial couple or token black gets annoying. Butterflies aren't that common so if you stuck one fluttering around in every movie and TV show it would become annoying overtime as it just won't sync with reality.
This is a non-issue to me. One of my best friends is black and married to a Mexican lady. I spend a lot of time with his family.
I also lived in LA for 3 years. Interracial couples don't raise a flag in my head.
You seem to be spending an inordinate time on the subject. I have no interest in focusing on it any longer. Ask someone else your questions.
You claimed it was common. I simply pointed out it wasn't based on actual census data. You made your assumption it was common based on your little sliver of reality. If I lived in Compton I would think blacks represent a larger portion of society than they actually do simply because of where I lived, like wise if I lived in Salt Lack City I would have stilted view that whites were a much larger percent of the population. You live in a sliver of the county where there may be a greater number of interracial couples, in fact that may be the reason so many movie are so off-base in the number of interracial couples they throw into movies. If that were true it would mean that the reason they cram on in so many movies isn't because of some nefarious agenda at pushing diversity as much as it is based on their ignorance that the rest of the country is much different than LA.
shareYou're right. I'm wrong, it's not common.
shareNo, you were right. He's wrong. 10% is common. Throughout most of history 99% of people married within in their own ethnicity and race. It's a common 10% in the U.S. because we are a melting pot. In a place like Mongolia, Mongolians marry 100% Mongolians.
Less than 10% of interracial for Caucasians, but not other ethnic groups. I guess the point you’re making is you think there are too many Black people in movies. However the number of Black actors is close to the proportional number of Black actors auditioning and same for Caucasian. The lady who plays in Sonic is married to a Caucasian guy in real life and has biracial children.
I don’t think it would be fair to tell her she can’t audition because they feel she is over represented.
Sonic is one of the few movies I’ve ever seen that has a Black woman with a Caucasian man. I can only think of 5 out of a thousands of movies or so.
Why not? Because it will brainwash white children to contribute to the genetic and phenotypic annihilation of their race and European facial features and hair. Interracial couples cannot produce white, European looking children. Look at the kids of the couple in the film - they look nothing like their European father.
Unlike you, I do not wish for whites and European beauty to be wiped out.
Is it fuck common in today's society Buckswope. I'll tell you what is very common though... Liberal Woke wankers like you who think woke shit like that is.
I'm Deckard B26354, I'm filed and monitored.
This movie takes place in Montana. Statistically, only 0.6% of Montana's population is black. So right off the bat this couple is statistically very improbable. If the movie was set in NYC or LA or some other more diverse city then fine. But it's not, so it requires some suspension of belief which--as OP pointed out--is distracting. It was clearly a woke casting choice made in order to check a diversity box. Additionally, I simply don't like Tika Sumpter in these Sonic movies. She plays her character completely two dimensionally, as if she's hamming it up for a commercial rather than a movie which makes her character even more distracting. She doesn't seem like a real person with any depth. Every time that couple enters a scene I cringe and/or groan...I wish they'd just leave them out altogether. They're unnecessary.
shareSounds like you need to examine yourself and ask why being an interracial couple makes a difference to you. What does it matter what race the characters are?
The answer is it doesn't at all, but if you think it does, you might have some hard truths to think about.
No shit. Check out the Adderall fueled rant he posted above. Some people get focused on the silliest things.
shareUSA is the great experiment!
Never has a country existed in history that had so many different ethnic/racial groups call themselves by one name...Americans.
Group cohesion is important. To fight the almost innate drive in human nature to divide by tribes of racial groups..this must be fought somehow...the obvious way combat this is media.
United we stand.
USA is the great experiment! Never has a country existed in history that had so many different ethnic/racial groups call themselves by one name...Americans.
Group cohesion is important. To fight the almost innate drive in human nature to divide by tribes of racial groups..this must be fought somehow...the obvious way combat this is media.
That's a extremely good team talk, one of the best you could find... but it's a call to feelings, it doesn't solve problems.
Check South Africa. They had Mandela, who was an extremely smart guy and a great politician, as good as MLK. That couldn't change that right now, the country has become a shithole. The country lacks regular water and power supply... to the point that the lack of regular power supply has become so frequent that factories are closing because of it:
Probably South Africa is gonna be the first country in history that will go from providing water and power supply to their citizens to losing that ability. It's a milestone for humanity, when you think about it, and not a good one.
Now you have the whites there that have seen what happened with a country that could provide basic services without problems and now has become another standard African shithole. And you have blacks that see that their living standard is going down, even lower than the one they had during the Apartheid (and I'm not joking), and of course, they're blaming whites, because whites have become the universal scapegoat.
Team talks are nice... until the shit hits the fan.
If you set a mansion on fire and then expect the former inhabitants to build it back with few tools yeah it’s not going to be what it was.
Before South Africa was named South Africa and the Dutch it was a beautiful country ripe with resources and healthy people. Yes Europeans, particularly the Dutch, in this case, wreaked havoc on South Africa after basically putting it in a state of war. The indigenous are now trying to rebuild while taking fractions of the existing government in place and still dealing with the wreckage and inequality caused by the colonization and destruction.
It’s going to take time.
What you’re doing is basically saying “see the virgin is a harlot, after you’re done soiling her during an invasion”.
"Actually, it has happened before several times. Rome in the 2nd/3rd century was very similar to modern US. "
This is absolute nonsense. Rome was nothing like the US today in terms of racial diversity. Rome was white. There may have been some Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Semitic people who made it to Rome and lived there. Black sub-Saharan Africans would have been very rare and would have been slaves.
yaa not sure what you are talking about..the US isn't even int he top 10 most ethnically diverse countries in modern times, let alone history. its in fact the 90th most ethnically diverse country in the world.....
maybe do some research
Thanks for the link, I learn something new everyday.
shareSomeone like Dark Chocolate too? :D
shareYou like dark skin? What about wide and flat noses, big protruding lips, prognathous facial bone structure and black, kinky pot scrubber type hair? Because those features tend to go together.
Also, do you wish to have children that don't resemble you and your race at all and looks like the parent of the other race?
Essentially, do you wish to directly contribute to the genetic and phenotypic annihilation of the white race and European beauty? Do you want women who look like Amy Adams, Katheryn Winnick, Jessica Chastain and Jennifer Connelly to vanish from this earth?
Can you please delete your account. Just do it. Delete, disapear and never come back. We don't need you here.
Why, so that you can post your propaganda in support of the genetic and phenotypic annihilation of the white race and European appearances without anyone opposing you?
I don't think so. Why don't you delete YOUR account. The white race surely don't need people like you. You are like a cancer bent on annihilation of the thing you are part of.
You might like the idea of a future where purely-European looking women like Amy Adams, Katheryn Winnick, Jessica Chastain and Jennifer Connelly have been eradicated and everyone in Europe and the USA looks Afro-Asian like Tiger Woods, but most white people are not self-loathing like you.
If you are non-white, then shame on you for trying to shame white people into embracing their own destruction, just so you can fulfill your revenge fantasy of impregnating a white woman.
Interesting. Have some questions for you:
1. What if it’s a relatively unattractive interracial couple and they produce someone stunningly beautiful like Zendeya or Persia White?
2. What if it’s an interracial couple that just really enjoys each other’s company, but don’t plan on producing children, is that still forbidden by your standard?
3. What if it’s an interracial couple that had no plans on having children until they met, but now want to have children? *In theory they’re adding an existing child to the population but not replacing a child of their ethnicity.
4. What if it’s a biracial child, but has Eurocentric features, such as Jennifer Beals or Pete Wentz, who are both biracial.
You said so many things that are inaccurate I can’t cover it all here, but no, slavery in Rome was not based on skin pigment, that didn’t start until around the 1600s.
There were amazing civilizations and dynasties all over Africa including Senegal and Ghana dating back over 10,000 years.
In addition, if every single Caucasian person had children with only non-Caucasian, light skin pigment would not disappear as it is a trait that can be reproduced by those with darker pigment.
There are insane amounts of variation in Western African hair types and facial features. The version you’re describing is based on an1800s stereotypical cartoon used to promote your type of ideology post slavery in the United States.
People should go out with who they’re attracted to and get along with well. Worrying about the extinction of those who appear Caucasian is a waste of time.
Based on their phenotype Caucasians are the least likely to go extinct out of any group because their physical characteristics can be passed down by those of African descent. The same does not go for Africans.
Caucasians have expanded in population worldwide, while Americans of African descent have gone from 14% to 12% in under 10 years. If you guys are trying to extinct us you’re doing a good job.
It literally had nothing to do with the plot. Normally I agree it’s an SJW thing, but here was clearly not the case. They had good chemistry and made a good on screen couple. I think you’re just being racist.
share2010 USA Census = 15.1% interracial marriage, this includes Hispanic to non-Hispanic.
So it isn't as wide spread as you think.
But as far as Hollywierd is concerned we all live in mix-raced families and are all gay or both.
When you see it in Films and TV it doesn't represent the real world as it is completely oversaturated to appease the Twitter checkmarks who don't watch it anyway.
I just didn't buy them as a couple. He looks like your stereotypical white boy would want a white girl to match his features so his kids will look like him.
The real question you should be asking, why mostly always just blacks? Mixed marriage is fine but I find have it more with blacks than any other race group (hispanic/asian). I do find it pandering, especially when the black sister was annoying as hell.
shareYeah that was just weird. She's tied up and her biracial kid didn't care. Was that meant to be funny?
sharemaybe because nobody really bats an eye at other mixed relationships.. not so long ago it was against the law for white and blacks to marry. if you portray it more, it becomes more normal and less taboo and hopefully people will start to see it as being normal. Look at England.. Lots of black/white couples - normal over there. same thing as how lots of shows have gay/lesbian couples now. there is nothing wrong with it. Even today alot of people in mixed relationships still get the side eye and shit talked about them. It shouldn't matter.
shareDo you know who doesn’t like bi-racial kids? Often the bi-racial kids. They can feel that their appearance doesn’t reflect how they see themselves.
For example, many half asians in Australia don’t like looking foreign as they don’t identify as Asian.
"if you portray it more, it becomes more normal and less taboo and hopefully people will start to see it as being normal."
It is not normal and never will be. It is and always will be an aberration. Why do you want it to be normal? Do you want white people and European facial features and hair to go extinct? Do you want women who look like Amy Adamss, Katheryn Winnick, Jessica Chastain and Jennifer Connelly to not exist in the future? Interracial couples cannot produce white, European-looking children.
"Look at England.. Lots of black/white couples - normal over there."
No, it is still a tiny fraction of all couples and it is most certainly NOT normal. It is an aberration and people will complain about it and condemn it around the dinner table. Don't make the mistake of thinking that most English people are happy about beautiful white women producing black children that have none of their mothers' beautiful European facial features and hair. Britain simply has extreme restrictions on free speech and complaining about interracial couples can get you arrested and sentenced to prison, so people don't complain about it as openly.
"It shouldn't matter. "
Of course it should matter. Interracial relationships will literally result in the genetic and phenotypic annihilation of the white race and European appearances. Given enough free mixing, everyone in the world in the future will look Afro-Asian like Tiger Woods. Whites like we know them today, like Amy Adams, Katheryn Winnick, Jessica Chastain and Jennifer Connelly will disappear.
That is not acceptable and it has to most certainly matter. We have to prevent the extinction of whites. We don't have to make mixed relationships illegal, but we should not encourage them in the media.
Wow you really are just deep down racist aren't you? If European people want to preserve their whiteness....let them! you can choose who you have kids with... You must be related to Hitler... Bi-racial children are beautiful and I would love the future human race to look like them.
That's a good questions. Taking the usual ethnic groups in diverse policies, you could have all those mixed couples:
However, you barely see any of them. It's like diversity only applies to whites.
Aren't Indians Asians?
shareI assume when they say ‘Asian’ it is meant to cover Eastern Asian as in China, Thailand, Japan etc. as they say ‘Indian’ separately, which I therefore assume means any people from the Indian sub-continent - India, Bangladesh etc..
To me, in the UK, ‘Asian’ covers India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh etc. I would still say Indian also in conversation however, for anyone coming from there and refer to anyone from East Asia by their country of origin - Chinese, Thai, Japanese etc. but that’s just me and how I’ve been raised etc.
I come from an area of high Asian (Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi) population so completely normal for me; the majority of my school friends were of Asian origin. I have also lived in a city with a high population of Asian students but here it was East Asians - Chinese etc. and not Indian sub-continent Asians.
I have no experience of Hispanic peoples so not sure on how or when or to whom that term would be used correctly....and the term Black covers a multitude of races/origins.
I just think people are people and the naming of things - including people - is an aid for reference and in order to converse universally. In terms of ‘interracial’ even if not technically/genetically correct, many people consider themselves separate ‘tribes’ with strong historical, cultural etc traits for example the Scots, and so in this way they too - if married to a non-Scot for example - can also be classed as having interracial relationships; they don’t always have to be based on skin colour.
No, they are their own race.
Europeans, sub-Saharan Africans, East Africans, Khoisan, Middle Eastern people, Turkic people, South Asians (Indians, Pakistanis, Afghans), East Asians, Oceanic people, Australian Aboriginal, North American Indians, Mesoamericans and South American Indians are the different races that exist.
Mixed marriage is not fine, at least not the promotion and marketing thereof to children. Children should not be made to feel pressured to date interracially and they should not be brainwashed to turn against and wipe out their own kind. Interracial couples cannot produce white, European-looking children and will therefore result in the genetic and phenotypic annihilation of white people. That is bad. Very bad.
shareOk goodbye now. ANd never comeback please.
shareNo. Goodbye to you and you please never come back. The white race and European beauty cannot survive the relentless cannibalistic onslaught of SJWs like you, who for some reason think that supporting the annihilation of their own people makes them morally superior and enlightened. Shame on you.
Who is paying you for every white women that produces a black, Nigritic, Chadic, Nilotic, Kushtic or Bantu looking child? Soros?
You are a waste of space. Delete your acount.
Chances are, we won't hear from you in a near futur anyways.
As if we, whites, were in danger. You suffer from a form of emotion sickness that only God can cure so either go to church or go to hell.
Either way, you won't stay here.
This is what piece of shit Katvenedick says:
I am sort of in the same boat as you, except I don't really care about gay. I am more concerned about interracial relationships and miscegenation. As a good-looking Slavic woman, my greatest fear is that my pretty Slavic daughters will give me mixed-race sub-Saharan looking children with broad noses, big lips, frizzy coiled hair, black eyes, protruding lips, etc.
AMEN Stonekeeper - Katven whatever is a racist piece of garbage...
shareThat’s what’s up. Let him crawl back in his racist hole for the rest of eternity
shareHonestly I prefer it when the usual alt reich, white supremacist suspects around here drop the pretense & just come on out with their white supremacist views instead of their usual routine of dancing around it with coded, dog whistle language, often (poorly) hiding behind "conservativism", as well as the broad & ambiguous position of being anti-PC/anti "sjw"/anti "woke". The lowlife trash that they are, white supremacists are natural cowards and pathological liars.
shareYeah, at least he’s upfront with his own stupidity.
shareBut, but, I love white women. How dare you! My brain tells me my DNA and her white eggs will make beautiful hot kids. I'm guessing you're venting out because no white woman wants you. Have you taken on the 'Incel' status yet or maybe the 'MGTOW'?