Looks better than End Game

Go Sonic


I'm not sure if it's authentic or not, but I saw a leaked clip supposedly from this movie where at gunpoint, Sonic forces Luigi to rape Mario. Sonic got dark.


lol I just looked at you history....

I find it hilariously that you been attempted to troll on Endgame for a few days now, you made a bunch on troll thread but your trolling is so awful, you havent got any replies...

the point of trolling is to get people to bite...

lol the majority of your trolling attempts have NO Replies...

lol your trolling was so awful no cared to even reply...

the is a classic case where you should truly consider giving up trolling, You are so awful at it you cant even think of a way in which to troll that gets people to bite and reply....


Tbh I'd rather watch this, The Avengers is extremely boring.
