The Top 250 on this site sucks
Seriously, scroll down top to bottom on the top 250 list....
How the hell are great classics like Jaws and Terminator barely hanging on at 239 and 231 respectively, and yet all those mediocre, uninteresting, lesser movies are all ranked above them? One of the things I've noticed is some of the movies have no appeal or marketing value so they're there to stay bc the younger crowd would never watch them in large quantities, whereas action movies or marketable ones will attract larger crowds, subjecting them to more potential votes..I know I for one have no interest in seeing half the movies on the list.
But that's not the main problem. Movies that have no right being ranked as high as they are are not only above classics like these, but they're way up.the list in the top 150, top 100...
This site's users are clueless and have no methodology to how they vote and see movies.