Samuel Adams Beer

Is it a coincidence that Samuel Adams has been given a prominent role in this mini-series and the fact that they show between 1-2 Sam Adams beer commercials every single commercial break? Or the fact that in real life Samuel Adams was a Harvard graduated man in his 50's during the revolution but here he is shown as a young hunky rebel without a cause in his early 30s? Seems like the mighty dollar has won over historical accuracy in the History Channel.


Yes it has....

If you deflect the topic of the thread from the show to me, our discussion is over


Sam Adams was born in 1722. This miniseries starts in 1765 when he would be 43.


The show might start with events dating to 1765, but it covers events up to 1775, where he would have been 53 years old.


Also, where are his children? And why is he poor?

My brother was eaten by wolves on the CT Turnpike


It's meant to be historical fiction, not a documentary!!


More like historical fantasy. But it's so sad is that they changed history to sell beer


In the beginning scene where he's jumping across the roofs parkour style I thought he was going to bust out with the karate fighting.
