This is the worst garbage I've seen in some time. It's really an embarrassment to anyone who knows even a little bit about American history. So little of this is based in fact that it borderlines on fan fiction. They are portraying real life people as something they weren't. Even the dates in this "story" aren't right....
I could almost, almost, get past the ridiculous casting choices and the fact that they're all too young, if the story was actual mature and had some substance, and actually told the true actions that let to the Revolution. This is an affront to every sacrifice that was made for our freedom.
It boggles my mind. There is so much story and excitement in the true version, why create this abomination????
Don't even get me started on the way the founding fathers are being portrayed. It's beyond juvenile and asinine. The worst of all is John Hancock. The actor playing him is the worst part of this whole debacle, and that's saying a lot. Even worse than the made up story itself. This actor should find a new line of work.
If you want to create Hollywood fiction, then do that. Put out a movie like The Patriot. I was fine with that movie since it didn't claim to be something it wasn't. This however is on a channel that calls itself The History Channel, yet there is no history here. They should truly be ashamed.
In answer to your question, no it often is not. Not unless you have someone really good at story telling. We have a problem in this country with history. It is not a popular subject in school because far too many history teachers are boring. In all my years of school, I think I only had one history teacher who wasn't dull. As a result, fictionalized productions such as this may be the only way of arousing people's interest who were victims of such teachers.
You think there is enough factual material to make a good show? Then write up the script, get yourself some funding, and do it. If your claims are right, you should make a fortune off it.
As to your comparison to the Patriot which didn't claim to be something it wasn't, neither did Sons of Liberty. It never claimed to be a factual account.
In answer to your question, no it often is not. Not unless you have someone really good at story telling.
My question was sarcasm. I'm not surprised you missed that since you think the actual Revolutionary War and what led up to it, is not full of excitement on its own. If you're unaware of al the real action, drama, and excitement that took place just from 1765 to 1787, then you need to go back to school. Not that it'll help since, by your own admission, you cant learn if your teacher isn't Aesop, The Brothers Grimm, or J.R.R. Tolkien
We have a problem in this country with history. It is not a popular subject in school because far too many history teachers are boring. In all my years of school, I think I only had one history teacher who wasn't dull. As a result, fictionalized productions such as this may be the only way of arousing people's interest who were victims of such teachers.
So, again, your learning ability is based on the story telling abilities of your teacher, and whether or not the teacher is boring? First, only a child would need a teacher in order to learn something. Grown ups research and educate themselves. Secondly, blaming teachers for your inability to learn, is quite juvenile and pathetic. Lastly, as an adult, why in the world would teachers and school even come up in this context? The time comes when you have to let go of you childhood and school days, and look to the real world, and teach yourself.
You think there is enough factual material to make a good show? Then write up the script, get yourself some funding, and do it. If your claims are right, you should make a fortune off it.
Huh? What kind of ridiculous reply is that? I'm starting to understand the childlike behavior here. I'm guessing this nonsensical statement is also the fault of your boring teachers. In your world, if a viewer dislikes a horrible movie, they should get some funding and write a script? I'm actually embarrassed for you at this point. That was beyond unintelligent.
As to your comparison to the Patriot which didn't claim to be something it wasn't, neither did Sons of Liberty. It never claimed to be a factual account.
The fact this was advertised as the story of real life people, and their real life events, and it was created by, and aired on, the HISTORY channel, the claim is made, whether directly or indirectly.
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I'm not going to make a long detailed response here because it would be lost on you. My points are valid and you have missed every single one of them either because you aren't smart enough to comprehend them, or because you can't allow anything to get in the way of your rants about the history channel. Its also quite possible that you have never been in a business that required you to produce a salable product. Go back to your little ivory tower and wallow in your self righteous superiority.
Attacking the show is one thing, but launching personal attacks against viewers who don't share your opinion is obnoxious, underdog. Don't assume people don't know the history just because they enjoyed the show. Some of us learned a long time ago that the History channel is under no obligation to limit their productions to historically accurate documentaries and films. Their only obligation is to be profitable for their shareholders, and they can't do it without attracting new viewers. Not difficult to understand.