My Prediction....

I predict that "SONS of LIBERTY" will be the typical "History" bone, that the useless pos channel, that still has the nerve to call itself HISTORY tosses out.

It is not a "Documentary", as one would expect on a channel that calls itself HISTORY... it is a "Movie"... and being a "Movie" will be heavy on the "Drama" and lacking on true "Historical" accuracy.

This board already has several threads pointing out errors.. and there will soon be more... if it's "entertainment" that you want... enjoy, you will love SONS of LIBERTY... but if it's "History" you want... check out PATRIOTS on AMERICAN HEROES CHANNEL.

The time is long past for the channel to change it's name, as it is, the channel is a disgrace to the word "History".

If you deflect the topic of the thread from the show to me, our discussion is over


The history channel is a joke. When 300 came out in theaters, they did a biography on the Spartans and had them all dressed in leather diapers and red capes like in the movie.


I once wrote the A&E channel and told that in order to not be misleading they need to change their network's name since there is rarely anything resembling art or entertainment on it any longer. It is now long past time I write the History Channel.


Is this the channel that has the Vikings series?


Yes... and that too is a Drama..

If you deflect the topic of the thread from the show to me, our discussion is over


 bump

It's a useless pos channel that still has the nerve to call itself HISTORY... SOL was not proclaimed to be a "documentary", it's a Drama, and as predicted the day before the airing... there would be many complaints about the lack of historical accuracy... but it's HISTORY... did anyone really expect to see "History" ???????????

If you deflect the topic of the thread from the show to me, our discussion is over


Are you saying that history must be depicted in a documentary format, otherwise it is not history?

Personally, I actually rather prefer history being depicted as a drama with added artistic freedom for entertainment purpose. But then I am more of a science 'geek', both fictional and documentary equally depending on the mood. Never really cared much for history, much more interested in the future.

If any channel is a disgrace, it is the SyFy channel imho but that's another topic.


Are you saying that history must be depicted in a documentary format, otherwise it is not history?

Chrispa... what I'm saying is, if it's on the channel that still has the nerve to call itself HISTORY... it's not "History"... for a great example of "History" presented in a Docu-Drama format check out "Patriots" on the AMERICAN HEROES CHANNEL... 

If you deflect the topic of the thread from the show to me, our discussion is over


The History Channel exists to generate ratings and make money for Discovery share holders, not to be a substitute for history classes.

If one or more of their dramas encourages someone to pick up a history book and learn more, then so much the better.


Thanks for the suggestion, is there an IMDb page for it somewhere? Trying to find it online(living in Sweden so don't have the Am. Heroes Ch.) But can't find anything.

I am really curious to find out what a documentary drama would look like.
