I have no interest in attacking certain people in history for doing things that, while unethical, were common place, especially in America, but how was it hard for them?
The colonists were rather wealthy as land was very cheap due to unfair advantages used to take land from the native population, then they paid less tax than anyone else in the world while getting the benefits of being protected by tax payer funded military forces, meaning they were also being subsidised to live, had mostly local representative government, and then were simply asked to contribute for a change in paying off the huge war debt owed by the British people for defending the colonies from French invasion and scalping. And before you say taxation without representation, tell it to someone who still today lives under US law and is forced to pay US taxes while having no representation in congress and no vote in presidential elections, even if they serve in the US military, ie the last people in the world living under colonial rule, American colonial rule, in Puerto Rico, Guam and the US Pacific territories.