No energy this season

I have just watched the first two seasons on Amazon (watched them originally but I forget) - the people on the first two seasons were always busy - playing games, working out (on the beach), in the ocean - none of the "laying around making out" type stuff we have seen all this season.

I don't know - it just seemed more lighthearted, less drama (other than the Joe thing last season).

What do you think if you have watched the first two seasons?

P.S. My favorite guy so far was Zach Kalter from Des' season in the first season - yum!


Yeah this season, they kept restarting the lame attacks against Josh every few weeks.

Some of the deleted scenes shown on After Paradise left out what I felt was good information.

The ending was also botched thanks to lack of options for late arrivals.


Also, I miss them showing more of the dates - the dates used to show beautiful scenery, etc. Now they just pretty much go walk around and then hardly anything else is shown.

I hope they notice this stuff - this is a great summer guilty pleasure but I don't want it to keep sliding.


Oh yes I agree. The show definitely needs some tweaks and showing more of dates and other dialogue between couples is helpful.

Maybe more people should be on from Day 1.

Honestly, I think they should add aspects from Bachelor Pad - where people competed in competitions (trivia of the show's history, endurance things, or silly games) to earn dates.


There was some Sarah drama from the first season - Robert from Des's season and her had an overnight and she claimed that he went right to sleep and didn't even "touch her".

So I think each season featured some drama.

I would rather the drama be between couples over their own incidents as opposed to group attacks on a single person.


Yeah, I don't mind dating drama...there was some with AshLee and Claire in the first season and they started with the Joe/Juelia/Samantha last year that was weird.

People are watching a dating show....reality drama shows are a dime a dozen.


I agree- The season where they competed as couples for love AND money was much more interesting.
