MovieChat Forums > Bachelor in Paradise (2014) Discussion > regarding the Lauren H interview Nick/Je...

regarding the Lauren H interview Nick/Jen

I'm sorry, but I don't see anything wrong with Nick ditching Jen to be the Bachelor.

Nick liked Jen, but he clearly wasn't in love with her, so why would he stay with her as opposed to having a shot at actually finding a match?

Unfortunately what I think a lot of people tend to do is date people they like, but in a "one foot out the door" way where they expect someone else to come along and probably pique their interest more.

And I'm sorry but he "They were solid" confession means nothing unless Nick planned on moving to Florida or Jen planned on moving to LA to be with him.

My guess is they were still talking and seeing each other, and perhaps Nick even told her he wasn't sleeping with anyone else, but I highly highly doubt the dude who has repetitively gotten crushed on TV would want to do that again instead of being with the girl he truly loved.

I think Jen needs to read a copy of "he's just not that into you"

Don't get me wrong, i LOVE Jen, she seems really cool and intelligent for such a knockout, but love is mysterious. Nick seems to be a dude that goes with his gut rather than the logical choice, and honestly I think Jen was a little too "normal" for him. Her being an amazing catch doesn't mean anything when it comes to love.

To me it seemed like the girl Nick was the most into was Kaitlyn, which totally makes sense since last week when Nick was talking about his ideal woman, he said he likes to be challenged. Nick and Jen didn't give off that vibe at all.

I'm not trying to say Nick must be a perfect angel, but it's just really annoying when people are vilified for simply dumping someone. Same goes for the insane Izzy bashing.

Not to insult Jen's intelligence, but we've seen Nick go all in with girls, and he told Jen right away that something was missing between them. That should have told her right there they were never gonna end up in a real relationship.



He shouldn't have screwed her before breaking up with her. That doesn't sit well with me. But hey he got what he wanted.


Nick screws everybody. He's had two bachelorettes before this. Even Jorge doesn't turn his back on Nick.

Jaan Pehechan Ho


Jen needs to go marry an intellectual grad student or young college professor. Her and Nick seemed mis-matched. Jen is too composed and cerebral for Nick, who's a big lug from the Midwest that really just wants a wild and sassy lassy. Jen's a bit boring and although she comes across as booksmart, her ego seems to get in the way of her reading her guy's body language objectively because anyone could see that Nick was NOT very enthusiastic about her. He heaped praise upon her because he's a people-pleaser and he wanted to offset the fact that he clearly didn't see a future with her.

It also felt quite awkward from the very beginning when Jen arrived and she zeroed in on Nick, and was quite sexually aggressive and totally oriented toward him. She seemed to just assume that he felt equally enthusiastic about her, when really he was just going with the flow.


Nick actually came on the show to meet Jen so your assumption on her solely being interested isnt correct.


I'm very skeptical that anything Nick says can be thought of as "real" because he pours praise on people to try to spare their feelings. He's a people pleaser and a BS artist, which Jen even acknowledged when she said he was down their sweet-talking the new girl because he was trying to get her date card. Nick lays it on thick with his words so it's impossible to know what he truly feels.

Regardless, it was obvious in his eyes at a certain point that he looked uncomfortable and like a deer caught in headlights when it came to Jen, he did not have stars in his eyes at all for her that I could see, despite his string of BS that he heaps on her (and so many other women). Nick's BS is different than Josh's BS because Josh does it with confidence and bluster, but Nick does it with a vulnerable, "aww shucks" sweetness...but it's still BS.

Finally, for someone who "came there for Jen," he sure seemed eager to jump into a relationship with Amanda. lol


Its not Nick saying that. Both Amanda and Josh have confirmed that after the first rose ceremony, Nick told her they wouldnt be exclusive so that he could get eith Jen when she arrived. Its why Amanda went straight to Josh when he came.


Jen obviously didn't meet his expectations then.

To me, she seemed very aggressive toward Nick, making blatant sexual comments on their first date, and speaking openly about their mutual attraction and then later on bugging him about how he needs to "open up" and how she always needed to feel like their relationship was progressing every day...That's a lot of pressure and expectation for a new relationship.

I can understand why Nick would have been underwhelmed by the connection with Jen (or lack thereof) once they started dating, but I just wish he wouldn't heap so much praise on people. He calls everyone "amazing." He always smiles when he's upset, and he likes to wrap his negative feelings in a velvet glove, which makes him seem fake to me.

Just my 2 cents.


All fair points, I just wanted to clarify that Jen wasnt doing those stuff out of nowhere. If Nick wasnt feeling it, he did a good job of leading her on about it during the show, since everyone else thought he was still interested.


I totally agree. I'm sure they talked about other things on their first date that didn't make it into the episode, but what they did show us was mostly Jen digging for compliments and affirmation. She kept asking if he was as attracted to her as she was to him, was he happy she was here, etc... and on repeat. It was awkward. And a girl who looks like her does not need to try so hard to be sexy.

I also thought their "conflict" about Nick having a wall up and needing to be more open was all very contrived and over done. We've seen Nick jump headfirst into repeated reality relationships without any hesitation or shame. If he was SO embarrassed about getting dumped twice on tv, he would not have come to Paradise at all and he certainly would not agree to being the bach. So to me it was pretty clear all along that he was holding back with Jen because he wasn't as into her as he wanted to be. She saw all the signs but still hoped it would work. That was her choice 


Nick told Jen right away that something was missing from their relationship? I don't remember that.



maybe he said it to the camera, but i think the fact that he concretely broke up with her should had been her first clue.

they spent a total of 10 days together and jen wasnt expecting a proposal so if he was very into her he wouldnt have rejected her.

everyone is hungup on the fact that jen is a great catch, but there are plenty of great catches out there that you're not gona fall in love with


Same goes for the insane Izzy bashing.

I don't agree. I don't think it's the same situation at all. If Izzy had stuck to her guns on how she wasn't in love with Vinny even after it didn't work out with Brett, that would be fine. Or if she dumped Brett because she realized she really was in love with Vinny, that would also lend credibility to her feelings. But she only wanted Vinny back when Brett didn't want her anymore. Sorry, but I call BS on her "regret". She didn't miss Vinny as a person. She missed having someone who treated her like she walked on water.

Totally different from Nick, I think, who I do agree just didn't see it with Jen. He ended it because it wasn't right in general. With Izzy it was far more specific: "I like Guy A better than Guy B, but I'll take Guy B if Guy A doesn't want me anymore."


tigerlily, I completely agree with your comments here. I do not find these situations comparable.

"Your petty vengeance fetish will have to do withOUT Mr. Groin!"


Izzy still had feelings for Vinny. I just think she's an idiot.


i just listened to a podcast with izzy where she mentioned that this all happened over a few days and it wasnt like she wanted vinny gone, but he bolted the second she expressed doubts, and that she also realized she already knew her connection with brett wasnt that great.

also she brings up the fact that vinny also made out with sarah the same night as her and no one gives him *beep* for that.

i do agree that she ultimately wanted brett more, but that doesnt mean she also didnt really like vinny too


also she brings up the fact that vinny also made out with sarah the same night as her and no one gives him *beep* for that.

Solid point. I did mention the Sarah thing in a post when it first happened, because I was super confused by Vinny's actions and the BIP producers glossed over the whole thing in favor of showing Josh and Amanda pass skittles into each other's mouths or Evan lounging in a hospital bed. Next thing you know, Vinny and Izzy are talking about each other as if they are the power couple of paradise, and he acted as if there was never a moment of doubt along the way...


If Izzy had stuck to her guns on how she wasn't in love with Vinny even after it didn't work out with Brett, that would be fine. Or if she dumped Brett because she realized she really was in love with Vinny, that would also lend credibility to her feelings.

Yeah, when you take the whole situation into account, Izzy's actions appeared to be very desperate and immature. The best thing about that phone call in the car was that she never once mentioned why she was no longer with Brett. She acted as if she had come to her senses and missed Vinny, then left Paradise without any other catalyst for her behavior...and yet she showed zero signs of leaving until Brett told her he wasn't interested anymore. I bet Vinny felt even more please with his decision once the episode aired, because her decision making skills are very juvenile.


Totally agree. Nick didn't owe Jen anything. He made it pretty clear to her that he didn't see a future with her and wasn't that into her romantically, and if she chose to believe they were in some sort of committed relationship despite that, that's her problem.
