How do they expect couples to make a lifelong decision after they literally have only known each other for a couple weeks? They haven't experienced real life like cleaning the house, going to work, cooking and doing dishes, paying bills... It's easy to fall in love on vacation, but back in the real world, not so easy... And I think there's the added enticement of hoping that ABC will pay them to be married on TV.
All in all, the idea of the show is not impossible. There are millions of couples that stayed together for a lifetime who met in most unusual, almost immediate circumstances.
HOWEVER, when you get guys like Nick, who is transparently just looking for fame, it spoils the overall idea of the show. It cheapens it further, if it isn't already.
The right path would have been to cast a new one, a NORMAL one. Some might think that's "boring" because normal is boring. But actually, that character grows on you, you can relate to them, and make you think it can happen to you. It makes the fantasy more real. Guys like Sean and Ben. They're boring, normal people, but they fit the part.
But when they cast fakes and fame hos like Nick, they entertain you, but entertain in a sense that you laugh and point at them. That's when they lose the interesting idea of the show. Oh well, I guess the audience get what they want.
Even Sean and Ben have extended their Bachelor fame...Sean wrote a book, is hosting this show, had his wedding televised and now Ben and whatshername have a reality show coming up.
To the OP-- this is why I didn't get why people were so hateful towards Izzy. People on here acted like they were together for years, when it was only, what? A week?
Leika20 - Why do people think that people only go on these shows solely for love? It will always be fame first. When you are one of 25 girls or guys you basically only have a 4% chance of making it to the end. So you go into it thinking "Hey, I can't get my face on tv, get to go to cool places, and do new things." You go fo the fun experience.
Even thought I wouldn't want to see my face on tv or want the crazy attention( 15 years ago I would have loved it, but the older I get the more I want to be left alone) but I would still go on this show because these people get to go to really cool places and experience so many different things.
It would be so much more fun on here if people on these board weren't so negative and constantly tearing everyone down. Sometimes it's like the chicks from mean girls roam these boards. Don't get me wrong, it's ok be to critical from time to time, but sometimes people are just mean to be mean.
Izzy's first 'mistake' was not so awful... did she come out looking a little shallow when she dumped Vinny for a guy who she was more physically attracted to? Sure, but it was not that bad. Like you said, this all happened faster than we realize so it's not like her relationship with Vinny was super solid or long-term. She said that there had been other doubts going on in her head about Vinny, she just did not dwell on those doubts until she was attracted to another guy.
Where she really came out looking like a fool was in the aftermath of Brett letting her down easy. It was very childish and deceptive to go begging after Vinny acting like she had made a huge mistake and came to this grand realization about her love for him... when the truth is that she never felt the need to leave Paradise until everything blew up in her face. And if she had doubts about Vinny before, she certainly didn't mention them when she wanted to meet up with him in Florida. I don't hate her or anything, I just think she's really immature.
Welcome to reality television. They have no logic at all. Wells meets a decent lady he seems to have a good connection with and dumps her at the rose ceremony for a bimbo. Only to dump the bimbo the next morning.