MovieChat Forums > Bachelor in Paradise (2014) Discussion > Ashley I will be the next Bachelorette

Ashley I will be the next Bachelorette

Well, that's the rumor. I personally think it's a great choice. Hopefully Jared and Nick Viall are among the contestants.


I hope not, she is awful. It'll probably be a girl from Nick's season.



For the world is hollow and I have touched the sky.


That's the rumor, all right... started by the OP lol!


She would be terrible. She isn't really open to date most people. She gets too fixated on one person (ie Jared) and doesn't even see the good in anyone else. She would just be a bore going through the motions


Agreed, and she admits that up front too. She is not attracted to very many guys, so the format of an actual Bach show would not work at all unless they're banking on her superb acting skills (๎€ฉ) to fake it with 90% of the contestants.


I know this is a troll but the producers of the show would like this idea. They seem to love Ashley I more than we do.


They freaking adore her. I know some women who like her too, in a way that makes them want to root for her to find love. Which is terrifying. But I'm still shocked shady Nick was chosen as the next Bachelor, so it's possible. I can just imagine the drinking games now.... every time Ashley I cries, take a swig.

For the world is hollow and I have touched the sky.


I like her, and wish her the best, but still found her irritating and do NOT think she'd be a good bachelorette.


They like her because she's a ridiculous caricature and brings the drama - she's reality TV gold. But ultimately they take the 'journey to love' part of the main Bachelor/Bachelorette shows very seriously and Ashley I cannot be taken seriously.

No doubt the next Bachelorette will come from Nick's season. Or maybe they'll get it together to give Jubilee her own season?


She'll give out one rose on night one, send all the others home, then freak out the chosen guy by going full blown Fatal Attraction.



