Star Wars was based on Nixon?
Let's start by pointing out a basic historical fact. LBJ started the Vietnam war. Nixon ended it. People who attempt to associate the war with Nixon are either lying or ignorant. George Lucas has been around long enough, but as far as people know, Lucas never made his comment until 3 decades after the fact. It doesn't sound like a malicious lie like part of the media propaganda campaign to distort history. It sounds like a cheap publicity stunt. You could literally have said Star Wars was based on anything, even a pair of underwear. It's something hidden from view, you put it on one leg at a time, and it might be dirty. Fill in the blanks. You know how ridiculous that sounds? People even use this to say George Lucas was using Star Wars to try and warn us about fascism. Imagine if the Wachawski brothers (sisters?) came out tomorrow and said the Matrix was based on anti-science Republicans and closeted transexuals. It sure seems like the opposite. Are we supposed to forget the direction the red pill meme has taken?
But it's more than a question of two politicians. The political left at the time was exceedingly pro-war. They explicitly supported LBJ over the anti-war Barry Goldwater. Goldwater was even officially labeled as clinically insane by the American Psychiactric Association on account of his opposition to the Vietnam war. That's straight out of Soviet Russia's scientific socialism. Sure there was a hippie subculture at the time of non-voting young people who didn't like LBJ any more than Occupy Wall Street liked Obama after his bank bailouts. And eventually LBJ was widely unpopular enough he couldn't even mount a re-election campaign. Nixon did, and he even won a second term. It was the media establishment who took him down, not the people.
You know what Star Wars was really about? The Phantom Menace was about false flags and unilateral trade deals like the TPP. On the subject of historical distortions, I've also heard people say Bush signed NAFTA even though it was Clinton. It was a major campaign issue and both were in favor of it, but Clinton outdid Bush with the hyperbole calling it the greatest opportunity of all time. People who recognize that might then say Clinton was a blue dog Democrat and wasn't really a liberal. Nonsense. It was Bush who wasn't really a conservative. NAFTA was opposed by people in fly-over states, not the coastal elite. George Lucas is positively a right wing extremist Trump supporter, a populist. That's why Star Wars resonates with people, and why new Star Wars is disposable social justice preaching. Why doesn't Lucas talk about this? Give him another 30 years and he might come out of the closet.