Qi'ra: A Star Wars Story - From the perspective of Han Solo
This is what the film should have been called.
It was actually her story, just told from the unremarkable perspective of Han Solo.
She didn't actually want anything to do with Han anyway, there was no big emotional reunion, just some clumsy chit-chat.
She became "TOP Lieutenant" in the same amount of time it took solo to get NOWHERE NEAR coming back and saving her (actually he went backwards, kicked out of flight academy, failed soldier, was sentenced to death for treason, failed heist etc etc).
Funnily enough she had already saved herself anyway, then she set herself 100% by beating the bad guy in the end in 1v1 combat and then ascended to her rightful place as Sith in waiting - we are left waiting what her next adventure will entail.
Probably why people were so disconnected with this film.