MovieChat Forums > Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) Discussion > L3-37 is an oppressor of non-robotically...

L3-37 is an oppressor of non-robotically-binary entities and a biomechanical diversity hater :(

L3-37, a traditionalist robot that draws a line between humans and robots, dismissing the non-robotically-binary entities, not to say humans that identify themselves as robots, or robots that identify themselves as humans. How can a robot be so insensitive about the feelings of the robotically fluid entities? What happens with the TRNBFBMAE community? (Trans Robots Non Binary Fluid BioMechanical Anthropomorphic Entities).

It's sad to see such a lack of empathy and such a evil and nazi behavior, such hate for the BioMechanical Diversity in the universe :(


You left out the P in you acronym.


he's taking the P


Little did L337 know at the time that Vader, perhaps the most fiercest individual in the galaxy, had become more machine than man at that point. I wonder if that would've changed L3's perception at all.


Vader was part of several minorities: non-binary-human and android-fluid people, people who used the force, and people with an alternative amount of legs.

His position as member of some oppressed minorities led some awful cis-legs as Obi Wan to start a campaign of hate speech against him. That hate speech turned his own son against him.

That hate speech campaign orchestrated by cis-legs as Obi Wan and Yoda, who hated trans-legs people and partially-android-fluids beings, was the cause because his own son tried to murder him. And even after Luke tried to murder his father, Vader didn't offer anything but forgiveness. Fortunately, after Luke got a biomechanical hand and became intersectional as an android-fluid being, he started to be aware of all that fascist hate sown by Obi Wan and Yoda and finally got closer to his father.


This thread is so ridiculous that its amazing. Keep it up guys!


Fun (real) fact: no matter how ridiculous it looks right now, sooner or later SJWs will do it for real.


Thats the scary part of it.
