MovieChat Forums > Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) Discussion > Ron Howard's contract with Satan for fam...

Ron Howard's contract with Satan for fame

There can be no other explanation. I'm hapharazardly watching TV today. I stumble on American Graffiti and of course have to watch a few minutes because I've loved it so much over the years. Then I switch over and there's Apollo 13, then I switch over again and there''s Bryce Dallas co-starring in The Help. Then getting on Moviechat and there's constant chatter about "Solo"-- a movie I will probably never see because I'm all Star War'd out. What deal did Ron Howard make with the devil to make himself so ubiquitous?


"What deal did Ron Howard make with the devil to make himself so ubiquitous? "

None, unless Satan felt generous and asked for nothing in return : it is a widely known fact that gingers have no souls.


Nah, it's James Cameron who made a deal with Satan, back when "Titannic" was massively over budget and on track to be the biggest flop of all time. Look at the evidence - everything he's done since has been a massive hit, no matter now crappy it is!

As for Howard, he's just a good film director, who's made some pretty good movies over the years. And some pretty terrible ones, I hope he's in form for this one.
