Capricorn One

I'm actually very surprised that nobody has brought up the movie "Capricorn One", done in 1977 with James Brolin.
Excellent movie, even though it's storyline is about going to Mars, it has VERY similar aspects to this movie. Check it out, as I said, it's very entertaining.


That was a good movie.

Evidently the mid-Seventies (Three days of the condor, Capricorn one) was another era when conspiracy theories were very strong.


Very true. But hey, remember "China Syndrome" and what happened just after it was released? So, maybe it was justified :)


I was gonna say. Very similar. I decided to pull it out and watch it right after watching this movie.



I liked Capricorn one, but I actually ended up liking Operation Avelanche better. The story was a little silly in cap1 for such a serious movie and OJ simpson even before the murders is terrible acting and just laughable in a movie.

Also, Operation Avalanche did some of the best "aged film" production I've seen. I really enjoyed seeing a lot of it.

