Annoying lead geek actor and people are too hyper active even for 1960s
did you find the lead actor annoying? his face expressions. whenever the dork looked to camera in amazement, i could just slap him, it was so irritating :D
and the rest of crew - they are way too hasty, always jumping around, talkative - as i see in movies and media, people in 1960s were not like that, people back then were more reserved, slow and more silent than in this movie.
why look at the tape when oswald was shot, people around him didn't react with drama queen reactions, not much in shock at all. ok, that may be because secret police knew it will happen but still... :D
and people back then didn't swear that much - it happened after vietnam war, along with cursing ban when it was lifted in movies.
so the movie showed fake moon landing and movie itself was a fake 1960s