Can someone summarize the ending? I didnt get it. What happened to all of them?
"revenge is a dish best served cold"
Can someone summarize the ending? I didnt get it. What happened to all of them?
"revenge is a dish best served cold"
The camera is still tracking what's happening, so you know they're being monitored by someone even at the end.
They are also watched by night vision (green) in Tranquility, by people behind the scenes who must have more tech. than the townspeople they meet.
The lights come on, they're congratulated at the end of 400 days. So it had to be an OTT big budget extreme simulation. At least one person died (Zell), which is the shocker if it was a simulation.
The 2 missing crew members were presumably safely removed from play, as you never actually saw them die, they just disappeared when they went behind the scenes.
But I'm still left with the thought that maybe it wasn't a simulation, and the final video was a pre-recorded message, and it's more townspeople coming down the hatch. Even they don't know for sure. Paranoia, and not being totally sure at the end makes a good movie for me.
Some of the outsiders had these smiles that made me want to see their teeth kicked in...
A play? It still doesn't explain what Walter would gain from directing a Rod Serling Twilight episode instead of a neat NASA testing project.
The congrats at the end a 'pre-recorded message'? It would suggest that the monitoring of the simulation stopped before the Test finale on the 400th day and that the townspeople were somehow an unforeseen element.
Did the hillbillie zombies kill Walter and his crew & technicians in the monitor center?. Most unlikely, I say. An isolated town with inbred inhabitants who are all batsh*t crazy simply does not fit the subject of this movie.
400 DAYS had a good atmosphere and could have been exciting. '2001 A Space Odyssey' with a horror streak, why not? Now it's just a WTF mess.
ha, yes and their glassy eyes and not speaking.
Good point, it probably wasn't a pre-recorded message at the end.
I watched it with no idea what was going to happen.
I expected the twist to be that they'd all been drugged and were actually sent on the mission instead.
The paranoia and cabin fever and life 'onboard' was nicely done and my fav part.
It was the 2 crew members who were hallucinating / not coping, who disappeared, which made more sense for them to be removed from the simulation.
I can see what spoilt it for some was adding the apocalyptic earth, and everyone thinking, why? - as it was meant to be about coping with being on a long distance journey, but looks like it was also to see how they'd react to earth being trashed.
I like the paranoia of films like this, and not always being sure of the reality, and other people's interpretations.
I also agree that the final video was pre-recorded - if you watch the scene, you can see a tracker along the bottom of the video, as if it is being played rather than streamed live. I also think Zell's explanation to Theo ("We're here to take you back to the town, etc etc") was a trick.
It sucks that this movie leaves you with lots of questions, but not in a satisfying way - they are questions the writer didn't bother to answer.
It's unsatisfying because there are no real clues to follow to reach a logical conclusion. If we had actual evidence we could put together to make sense of what happened that would be one thing. But the movie gives us nothing solid to go on.
The new home of Welcome to Planet Bob: http://kingofbob.blogspot.ca/
It was supposed to be an ambiguous ending.
The ending was supposed to implied that, the world either did end and the outside is filled with crazy people out to kill the protagonists or the experiment ended on schedule but the protagonist turned crazy and refuse to leave the "ship".
It was done rather poorly to be honest.
Good summary. I liked it though.
(You might want to hide your spoilers!)
I enjoyed it even with the ending. It left a lot of questions, sure, but I liked that.
Though, I was hoping at the end after the 'Congratulations' speech/recording and the hatch opened that they would pan over and discover that the man Theo strangled was Bug and that Zell was actually Dvorak. Meaning they all (or even just Theo and Emily) had been hallucinating and that they never really left the 'ship'. Then cut to credits and you would be left wondering what happened still but it would at least have given it more direction.
I'm no director though, so what do I know?
There are 2 crucial things that take place during the film.
Inside the bunker there is a psychological experiment taking place to push the participants to their limit. There is like a 200+ day jump at one point when tension between the parties is high, to suddenly day 374. The cameras no longer pan and track after this jump and very many strange things begin to occur.
Outside the bunker some sort of event took place. A large object DID strike the moon and showered the earth with particulate, contaminating the earth and water supply and atmosphere. The survivors live on a very low oxygen level making them susceptible to similar conditions of the experiment. They are not completely lucid, highly paranoic and given to hallucination.
This is why no one is sure how to react to a couple of people walking around their town in space suits. They aren't sure if it's even there.
I say 'a couple' cause several things don't add up. The disappearance of the other crew members and the significant time jump during a high-tension period. I think the experiment had already failed, and the 'vessel' had suffered an environmental leak for a long time. Something happened, the other 2 test subjects either left containment or were killed in some incident inside, due to psychological stress and oxygen deprivation. The 2 remaining crew simply hallucinated/inserted them back into their scenario so it made sense.
I think the other crew members simply left containment, that's why no one in the town was particularly surprised by the suits. That's why there was a map 'looking for something'.
When Dane Cook's character disappears, Routh's character starts overturning the diner looking for camera's and microphones while reciting Cook's character's previous lines. This reinforces that Cook was never there, and it was always only Routh's character. 'Zell' isn't lieing, there was only ever two of them. There is similar mirroring between the psychologist and Bug.
I also believe part of the psychological assessment was to determine how quickly people lose track of time. I think the participants were in the vessel for much longer than 400 days.
Bug asks, "What time is it?..." kinda vacantly. Suggesting he has lost absolute track of time. The psychologist strides in and wants them to play a game of memory, 'Emily's temporal mono-mental chronometry task that infers perception and duration of cognitive operation'
I dunno, doesn't sound like Memory, sounds like she intends to test the participants for their temporal awareness.
Edit: I do think the film is sloppy, but there was a good idea in here, it was just executed very badly. Had a pretty decent cast to draw from, especially coming from Syfy, and did appear to want to be a hard sci-fi film. Rocky start.
@nrkist2424: Best analysis of this film that I have read so far :)
Interesting film, good use of a small budget imo.
This is one of those movies that I really hated when I saw it--because of its abrupt ending and lack of cohesive plot--but I've grown to appreciate through reading fan analyses and breakdowns. It seems that the movie is purposefully designed to challenge the viewer, based on the director's comments
The ending is a bit controversial, but I think that’s what made it special. The story respects the audience enough to let them think for themselves
I want them to watch it again to see if they can figure out the mystery! We were pretty careful about being too obvious and want folks to talk about their theories amongst each other. I love films that keep me thinking well after the film ends.Also, if you're wondering about influences, of course the two obvious choices from Twilight Zone come to mind (which may shed a little more light on what may have happened), confirmed by the director himself
Rod Serling (among others) played a huge role in my inspiration for this one. Two episodes come to mind: I Shot an Arrow into the Air and Where is Everybody? Steal from the best as they say...http://scifipulse.net/interview-matt-osterman-discusses-making-400-days-working-syfy-films-and-filmmaking-in-the-midwest/ share
Well, I dunno that trying to piece together the disparate bits of this tale to find the kernel of it's inception, is really 'theorizing'. It's just trying to figure out what the story was supposed to be...before it got rewrote a thousand times on set, and obviously changed 4 times throughout filming.
Film is a mess, but the premise is interesting. It seems like there is enough there, despite the gobbly bits, to make a good story. People just want to ferret that original story out.
Interesting idea, but i think its not true since we see the movie from thet guy with the kid a few times.
I do believe that the last massage was pre recorded, and that the inhabitants of the town were insane and potentially cannibalistic.
I dont think the movie is sloppy, but definitively could use better editing and camera work.
I'll go against the grain, as I like the ambiguity. Definitely keeps you guesing, and reading the theories about it has only made it more interesting to me.
The main thing that led me to believe it was staged and Emily was in on it was when she comes to Theo's aid with a med kit after he is stabbed, and Theo points out that the med kit she is using was not from the ship and presumably given to her by someone else.
sharelet's hope so lol
"revenge is a dish best served cold"
What I found strange was a few seconds before that scene where they flee from the main street into a building and Emily seems to know exactly where to go and instantly found the "hidden" door near the wardrobe which lead into the bar.
Also: Why did the bartender do nothing? He clearly saw Theo's leg.
The last bit - why did the bartender do nothing - fits with the story thread that the villagers wanted the crew to escape and lead them back to the ship.
"I am like Cryptonite for men. Cryptonite dipped in cellulite."
It's literally impossible to know. No matter what scenario we want to go with, the movie directly contradicts those ideas.
The new home of Welcome to Planet Bob: http://kingofbob.blogspot.ca/