i agree, it reminded me of a different type of movie; Action Movies not all but the very particular one(s) are those that use Action for the sake of Action, it could be called Explosive and Car Chase Porn; those type of Action Movies that don't have any sort of Plot/Character Development/Dialog, just stuff that goes "Boom".
Now if Love was suppose to be a sarcastic/ironic attempt at pointing out the average Movie-Goers likes in Entertainment then I would say it was pretty brilliant.
Having said that; I get the feeling that somewhere in the brainstorming process that idea got lost (you can tell how the movie really changes tone after that first hour or so) and it tries to be some sort of "Deep" movie when if it would've just stayed with the original idea without trying to be pretentious, then it would've succeeded.
The movie is decent for the first hour give or take, yes, that's with the bad acting, horrible dialog, and all the other things. I mean i was actually interested in this movie until it just started jumping into random events that felt like they were there just to try and shock people, even if I were to say that those were the events he decided to reflect on, it's still like ehhhhh.
The movie drags on a lot, the actors are very limited in terms of "acting" abilities but they aren't shy about banging which is also another irony of this movie that may have been something that was too smart for his own good.
Overall I would give it the same score as I would a mindless action movie. Yes I get that Humans are more inclined to watch mass murder on the big screen which isn't a taboo in our culture but we don't want to see very real life things that this movie presents to the audience.
I get it, but the way I take this movie (as trying to be ironic) I cannot somehow say that it is better than the same types of movies it is suppose to be "exposing".
For me it's about the Story, Film is suppose to tell a Story first and foremost; it can use all the artistic visuals and yadda yadda it wants to, but at the end of the day it's about how well the Story was presented and if the Film succeeded in telling it. Very simple
This film didn't really succeed at anything other than showing off some of the points i brought up earlier about the taboo things that exist in our society and things that aren't taboo that we consider to be entertaining.
It just doesn't have a good flow, a good presentation, I mean of all the things the movie does, the sex is the best part of it; and that's troubling because if the film makers would've changed the pacing around, gave a lil more impactful dialog (yes just in irl we get it, ppl don't talk and yadda yadda) with some of the characters then things could've been very different
it's a 3 or 4 out of 10 to be frank. It tried and failed