MovieChat Forums > Rogue One (2016) Discussion > Certainly a step in the right direction

Certainly a step in the right direction

Darker and grittier than all the previous SW universe films. Still plenty of heroic fantasy cliches though but if they continue down this road maybe episode 9 will be something like Game of Thrones in space...


Huh. Not quite sure how I feel about that... I love both Game of Thrones and Star Wars... but they don't really blend that well. Star Wars is mostly family-oriented, although they certainly do include dark themes sometimes.

Game of Thrones in space would be awesome, though. I just don't think Star Wars is the right medium for it.


It's a great movie and I enjoy it. Don't get me wrong, but I felt watching it during my second viewing the other day that there are too many characters that talk as if they have lung problems, it was kind of annoying. (mostly referring to Saw Guerrera and the former Imperial pilot). See, the best part about the Classic Trilogy is that you can hear what everyone is saying clearly, without doing a double take.


By the way, why do you think a space pilot was wearing dust goggles?


In case he had to fly to a planet with lots of dust?


But why wear them in space?


Not sure why this one is considered so much darker than the other SW-movies. Found it to be much the same really, except *SPOILER* more deaths of heroes in the end.

Very enjoyable movie though, and for sure the one I liked best since they rebooted the franchise. Think it has most to do with the cast really, as it otherwise was pretty much mostly what one expect from a SW-movie. Liked a lot the female lead, the blind guy and his sidekick and Mendelsohn was great as the evil director. Also the space battle in the end and Darth Vader was awesome.


I was on the fence about the Disney takeover after TFA, which has good points and bad points, but I liked R1 enough to go over to the Disney Side after seeing it and seeing it again. it's a terrific film, gripping and visually awesome, as a Star Wars film should be. Somebody at Disney is doing something right with the franchise, and I'm now looking forward to their next effort.

Or maybe I should give more credit to Gareth Edwards than Disney, I loved his Godzilla film.


Yeah. It's good to see that they have balls to experiment with different tone and story than sticking with the safe standard Star Wars formula like TFA.

Thanks to this, waiting for The Last Jedi becomes more exciting for me!
