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Full Series YouTube Recap | Season 1-8 Ending Explained

Some good soul watched whole 8 seasons and did a whole recap of what was going on. So we don't have to

I stopped watching after season 5 I think. As it would just go nowhere. Writing was just crazy with everyone backstabbing and turn on each other for no real reason. How can I root for anyone if they turn to be bad and now I have to root against them. Only to see them come back to their senses at the end of season and be good again....

It did become better once they ditched annoying Nick, Chris, Travis, Ofelia and then Maddison. And bring Morgan, June, John Dori, Althea and then Dwight. Because original characters were just not sympathetic at all. And had boring problems.

But then it was dragging again. The most annoying was Victor Strand. I just could not keep up how he was switching from good to bad twice a season. Just make up your mind show. Eventually I was just annoyed by him. And then I lost interest in what was happening in the show because none of them were sympathetic. All of them were idiots. Compared to this even Walking Dead had coherent story.

Occasionally I could watch one episode or recap to see how its doing. Saw it's still same old crap and leave it.

This is very accurate description of this show:

"The group part ways with character X, many months pass and the group finds a community, character X is part of the community, bad guys arrive, the group fight, the community falls, the group moves on but part ways with character Y, the group find a new community, character Y is already there...repeat for 8 seasons"

This is the main problem with all those running for too long zombie/apocalypse shows. They have to create stories for new season. Like it was in Walking Dead. So every time Rick's group is coming to some well established and thriving happy community. They ask to join. Allowed. Then start behaving like there is something wrong with it. Then kill leader and take control or just move to another location. And every time they come into new group I was just laughing saying: " My condolences, dear people. You are screwed and will all die. Rick and co or this FTWD idiots will destroy you and then move on thinking they are the good people".


I bailed halfway through S05. I struggled to finish S04, but that was where it started going completely off the rails.

Season 1 & the first half of S02 were total meh-ess. S03 was the best, where it all finally came together. I thought it was LEAGUES beyond the then current season of TWD. And then they fucked it all up.


This is the main problem with all those running for too long zombie/apocalypse shows.Β 

This is the problem with the Zombie Apovalypse genre. It has hit a brick wall in original approaches to it without the same lather-rinse-repeat formula it has followed for years now, thanks in no small part to TWD setting this standard. It becomes more & more about conflict with various villians/antagonistic groups & less about Zombies who are less of a threat, save for the occasional horde.

I often wonder how TWD would've turned out if Frank Darabont hadn't been fired. Would we have had 2 full seasons spent on The Saviors/Whisperers story's? Maybe it would've still become L-R-R, but might've moved a little faster & not gotten bogged down in a million useless side characters & sub plots.


Yes, you're right. Most of the appeal of the genre is the outbreak. FTWD was supposed to explore this in detail. A lot of the speculation was that it would be an anthology of sorts, following different groups as they made their way through initial outbreak, to survival, to new normal. Some stories would be told in parallel, others would be seasonal arcs within the show.

Unfortunately, we got "nine days later" and they completely and literally skipped what everyone was hoping for to go direct to man vs man or villain of the week.


I watched the recap just to see how it ends, & good God Almighty they pulled ANOTHER "fake Madison death" thing!! The writers truly have no shame!!

I often, in other posts, have half-jokingly suggested they should bring TRAVIS back as well! Can't be anymore ridiculous than anything else they've come up with!


Yeah that's why I posted. Lots of people dropped it years ago. But would want to see it end to have closeure for spending few years watching. I watched similar recap for original Walking Dead. I even forgot Dwight was in this show. And his wife.

Didn't they also fake killed Alicia few times?

And Daniel was fake killed I thinkg

Troy was brought back as villain after being fake killed. Its hilarious.

The only interesting character they had (John Dorie) was killed for realz. For God knows why. Did actor asked to leave?


Alicia was fake killed at least once, I think. Daniel, I don't know if he was fake killed, but would disappear
& reappear at random.

Dorie was killed, but the actor continued on playing his father.


Troy was brought back as villain after being fake killed. Its hilarious.

The Otto brother from Season 3? "Klled" by Madison?

Why didn't they just bring back TRAVIS too? Or his son, Chris? Hell, why not Jerimiah Otto? Re-attach his head to his body. Why not?πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰
