Surprised especially at Dwight and a little at Morgan that they didn't mention anything about Negan and what they went through being with a group being in control like someone like Negan. What could happen if they asked for help from Virginia.
I was surprised at how unbelievably stupid the entire season has become! Everything going on at this point is entirely out of character for everyone, especially knowing how untrustworthy Virginia is. It was stated by a couple of people during last night's episode that she's a total liar. It's absurd at this point!
For all these people to let themselves be separated, pushed into vehicles and driven away is ludicrous!
And, to top everything off, Morgan won't be around to see how he screwed all of his friends, unless he somehow miraculously gets himself out of his predicament(?)
I bet Kirkman didn't want to mention the Saviors on FEAR because he might have thought people were stupid enough to forget that he is ripping off the plot of TWD.
That's possible. I just remembered that Dwight did say that he's from a place where they were treated badly (or something to that affect) and that he knew what it was like but yet he still went with Virginia. Just stupid, stupid writing! I guess they don't have anymore ideas so they're sort of recycling from TWD but do they think we're that dumb that we won't notice that or the fact that all of the characters are suddenly acting ridiculous?
I hate to say this but I'm glad this season is over and I might not watch it anymore. I had really liked it but it's gotten soooo bad!
I agree, I liked the show until this season, but it was a real struggle to get through it. I recorded most of the season and just fast forwarded scenes at leisure.