Oil Field?

Did I miss an episode where our heroes found an oil field? I see from the preview for the next episode that the stash in at the quarry, but they've been talking about the oil field as if we had seen it.


I was just talking to someone about this today. We both feel like we've missed an episode somewhere. An episode or so back, the character Logan was asking Morgan about where the Oil Fields were, he had the road blocked off preventing Morgan passage. Next thing you know, this Logan guy just shows up to where there is Oil (no fields). Only problem is, none of us can recall how he came across the info on where the Oil Quarry/Fields were...


I just assumed it was something that happened in the background that they determined from the notes that the trucker had left. The whole thing around that with Logan and now Ginny is pretty ridiculous, but I still like the show, but this season doesn't seem as good as the last.


The location was in the dead truck driver's journal, Logan's former partner.
