Al is magically ok now???

What drug did June find for her and how was she cured so fast? that was kinda pointless


Augmentin, basically a analogue of penicillin. She was looking for Cipro because Cipro is a broad spectrum antibiotic. That's what you use if you don't know what the infection is but need to kill it now. I think Augmentin will work for anything Gram-positive, more effective on some than others. With an injection, the symptoms could ease up in a few hours. Taking it orally it may be 12 or more hours for severe symptoms to decrease, but she would still feel like shit for a few days. Also a big no to take those on an empty stomach.

I'm wondering if she drank some of that contaminated water the psycho lady was putting out. Or maybe she will have antibiotic in her system if everyone else happens to drink it later, so it won't affect her.


gotta. i didn't know you could get better so quick like that.. i was wondering about the water also...
