I haven't been watching TWD so I can't expound on Morgan's skills but if you end up getting punked by the Clarks...you ain't the sharpest tool in the shed. And since we just met the other two, only time will tell if anachronistic 1800s-talking cowboy guy and spacey video chick have anything to offer other than old-timey bravado and cliche'd "found footage" schlock, respectively. I guess the real question here is when do we get to see the Clark family continue their murderous wanderings across the country? I'm guessing the writers will portray the family as hardened and seasoned warriors of the apocalypse as evidenced by waiting in the weeds for hours/days on a lonely stretch of road out in the middle of nowhere in case walkers suddenly gain the ability to drive. Surely they weren't out there to ambush fellow survivors (one would hope they got all the survivor killin' outta their system over the course of three seasons).
Here's the season four story-line I'm hoping for: the action starts months if not years after the end of season three's laughable plot and the Clarks are just husks of their former selves yet still retain their magical ability to decide what's best for everyone else they meet. They take anachronistic cowboy dude, spacey vid chick, and played-out-story-from-another-series guy under their wing and get all preachy about saving humanity while at the same time wiping out scores of folk that otherwise would have lived safe, happy lives having not met the Clarks. Eventually, the Clarks devolve into savage killing machines having lost their humanity to the point we, the viewers, no longer root for them (never did). But just before we totally give up on them, something nonsensical happens where they regain a spark of humanity and sacrifice themselves for the sake of all the Earth's children. Yeah...there it is...pure unadulterated pap...FTWD style.