MovieChat Forums > Fear the Walking Dead (2015) Discussion > Was not the worst show on TV tonight

Was not the worst show on TV tonight

Say what you want about FTWD, at least it's watchable. This new MacGyver show is totally unwatchable, makes FTWD look like Lillies of the Field.


so out of 2 lousy turds FTWD is the better turd?


The first half yes, the other half was atrocious. So much pointless talking that added nothing. We also got the worst possible scenario, the mother and daughter having a "conversation". Worst two actors going at it. It was such a chore that those couple of minutes felt like half an hour.


I commented over on the MacGyver board and you're absolutely right.

As critical as I am of FTWD, I can at least watch it and enjoy the light hearted banter between the fans and the critics.

I almost turned MacGyver off in mid episode.

I likely won't watch another, unless I hear it has improved.

The things on that show were more preposterous than the things in a show about the reanimated dead.


This new MacGyver show is totally unwatchable, makes FTWD look like Lillies of the Field.

Say what you want, but Tristin Mays is nice-looking!


what happened to all the trolls?


it was another good one except for the Alicia love story, shes the most useless character in the show.


Haha, awww, I thought she was cute tonight. Just a horomone-induced young woman trying to figure out what to do in a world where her dreams were smashed away just a few months earlier.


Just like she got smashed last night. ;)


I always FF any scene she is in, esp the romantic garbage.


The show need to step up a hell of a lot to keep me watching - right now I just want every single one of the them to die, and then die again.

I wonder how much Kirkman really is involved in this steamer...


Hahaha, I have a feeling his priority is as follows:

1) The Comic Book Series
2) The Walking Dead
3) Telltale Games - The Walking Dead
4) FEAR - The Walking Dead


Yeah, and Outcast.
