Cried my eyes out

So emotional.. the performances are amazing!!!


Agreed. The performances are to die for.


Stealing the words from someone at my theater, LION is not a movie, is an experience!!


I cried and got teary eyed also, at several points in the movie, and I began to wonder if the film makers weren't being manipulative. Any time I cry more than twice during a movie, I suspect there is some manipulation going on.


My entire theater was weeping unashamedly. I'm talking grown men sobbing.


I cried too but none of the surrounding white american people cried. I wonder why? None of them reached to wipe tears.


That wasn't the case when I went to see it. I saw numerous white people including older white men sobbing their eyes out. It's an incredibly moving movie.


Yeah, the ending is particularly touching. Especially from the point where we learn Guddu is dead.

But what really did it for me was the real footage at the end.

People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs


But what really did it for me was the real footage at the end.

I did a decent job keeping it together until Saroo found his birth mother and sister again. And when he called his adoptive parents to tell them about it. That's when I got a tear in my eye.

But I straight up cried when I saw the real footage. Nothing prepared me for that. But it was the perfect way to end this film. The woman whose son disappeared meeting the woman who raised him and allowed him the chance to find her again. You can't recreate a meeting like that with actors. The realness of all that emotion just hit me really hard emotionally.


I agree. I had been composed until then, but I defy anyone to watch the scenes of that meeting dry-eyed. Excellent film. I thought Dev Patel did a superb job, and Sunny Pawar was absolutely breathtaking.


spoiler alert


I loved this movie, and yes I cried at the end, and so did a lot of others in the theater. It's been playing at my local theater for months. Very, very popular.


I must say I also shed a tear when he found his mom.
