Adoption Process

At no point in the movie does it show the Australian couple visiting the orphanage and coming across Saroo. The same is true of his adopted brother. With Saroo, we just hear a woman tell him one day at the orphanage that an Australian couple wants to adopt him. Is this how events really unfolded with Saroo and his adopted brother – with the Australian couple at no point visiting the orphanage? As depicted on screen, it comes across as arbitrary and not all that believable. By the way, the movie on the whole I thought was excellent.


Foreign adoption tends to be more complicated unless you are called Madonna or Angela Jolie.

It's that man again!!


You would think they would at least visit the orphanage, though.


yes, its done through photos, thats how it happened in real life if you see the pictures at the end of the film, the real kid is shown coming to autrailia with a lady.

This ain't that Kinda movie!


I'm afraid that's often how it is for wealthy couple adopting from countries with a lot of poverty, like India.
Yes it would have been best if they could have visited him first, but we don't know all the ins and outs of the legalities. Maybe the adoption had to be done quickly?
It's incredibly sad and wrong, but at the same time, by adopting him they probably saved his life.


Certainly, at least of the last few years, the adoptive parents would have to visit the child in India.


If it did take place, I don't know why they wouldn't have shown it - both with Saroo and Mantosh.


Has anyone read the book on which this is based on - perhaps that would shed some light on this? Thanks.
