New excited and Infuriating!
They released a new Godzilla 2 trailer today....
It look amazing, So many mosters, Godzilla Fighting them....everything you could want....EXCEPT
it seems every Action sequence is ONCE again at night and you can barely tell whats going on!
The first Godzilla was among the most infuriating movies I've ever watched..first because of the constant teasing of Godzilla and Cut aways right when an action sequence was getting ready to start, but mainly because The Climax looked incredible(I think) but it was just so god damn dark you couldnt tell what was going on...
It was by far the thing audiences complained about most, I'm stunned WB didnt listen with the sequel...
at this point you have to consider, they have to be doing to HIDE CGI flaws....maybe Its just not possible to make A Godzilla action sequence look good to The daylight...
I dont know...Its quite odd and infuriating...This new trailers looks so just totally turns you off that action sequences are at night again