Wasn't a fan of Kristen

I think she was a little too harsh on Mike. She saw him as "losing her son". She had to have known he loved him as much as she did and was going through the same thing she was. I think she should've been more supportive to him. It wasn't until she thought there was a possibility of him getting Charlie back did she turn to his side. Not cool.


More marriages or relationships end after the loss of a child than survive. She blamed him because he lost her child. Which he did. I'm pretty sure that had he been holding Charlie's hand or arm, Annie would have taken another (backup) child. A Halloween carnival in New York is like a pedophile all-you-can-snatch buffet. If I'd have even gone, I would not have let go of either of my kids for a fraction of a second.
Yes, Charlie was Mike's son. But every mother I know considers her children HERS at a basic, primal level. We carry them for 9 months, deliver them, then do the vast majority of the rearing. I have a house, a car, 3 dogs, and 2 kids. I'll fight for the first 3 things, but I'll kill in a heartbeat for my kids. It has nothing to do with being cool.


Then mothers are extremely selfish and egotistical based on your ramblings.
Consider what you want but children aren't "yours" at all. They're both parents and nothing will change that.

Carrying them for 9 months means nothing and neither does giving birth.
It doesn't give you any deeper connection or any more right to a child than the father and if it was so important you wouldn't drink and smoke or do drugs etc while pregnant.
He didn't "lose" the child at all any more than if she had "lost" the child though I'm sure your selfish mother attitude would've come through then and you'd be bitching about how she wasn't to blame at all possibly finding some excuse to blame the father like women like you do so often it isn't even funny.
He paid for ice cream and let go off the child's hand for about a minute.
It's in the film. Watch it and you'll see it happen.
She was a selfish parent. Possibly because she was a mother given your explanation of how selfish mothers are.
She was in the wrong from the start of the film. You can see her selfish attitude from the first time she's with Nic Cage.
Is it because she's an accurate representation of a selfish mother?
I don't think so.
I think it's shoddy writing for her character. The same shoddy writing most wives and girlfriends suffer through in films.
